Lost without my Grandmađź’”

It’s just been over a month since my 91 year old grandam passed away and I miss her terribly! She had not been the same since my grandad died almost 3 years this September and I always helped my auntie look after her. After my grandad died, our friendship roles reversed: My grandma had always been my best friend and then, I became hers. She used to tell me things that she didn’t want anyone else to know ( which led to a few problems that eventually were resolved and forgiven) but it was leading up to her passing that hurts the most. My grandma ended up being admitted to hospital during half term break in May due to complications with her diabetes. It started on her foot and spread up her leg. She ended up having palliative care and was cared for at home until she passed but she suffered terribly! It broke my heart to see my grandmother in pain and praying for God to take her back to my grandad, I stayed in her house along with my parents and aunties until the day after she died on the 12th June, 9 days before my 40th birthday​:broken_heart:but now the loneliness is starting to hurt now that she’s gone forever and the house is so empty without my grandparents. I’ve been working in a local primary school which helps with daily distractions but I’m such an emotional wreck every morning and constantly swallowing tears and sobs when out in public because everywhere I go reminds me of happy, carefree times when my grandparents were still alive. I used to always believe that your grandparents would be around forever but they don’t.:broken_heart:any talk of Christmas plans coming up are making me scream inside because I’m so lost without her. I’m crying nearly everyday and I don’t think I’ll ever get over this!:broken_heart::sob:

Hello @AllieG_007

I’m so sorry for your losses and most recently your grandma. Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m just giving your thread a gentle, “bump” for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.

Take good care,