
I know how you feel I had 2 days to say my good byes it not enough I hear People at work saying Covid doesn’t exist wake up you people can’t you see what I’m going through. I’m not back at work yet but I’ll have to go back soon money doesn’t grow on trees so I’ve got that to content with as well as stupid people. But I’m not ready yet to go back I can’t stop crying now I’m on my own children are far away. They come when they can. What do I do we’re or how do we carry on.

I can’t even entertain the idea of going back to thst place. That’s where I caught it and gave it to Stephen.

I’m signed off at the moment but as it’s only been 3 weeks I can’t imagine the GP won’t sign me off for longer. We haven’t even had the funeral yet.

They will sign you off I’m off till 15th May but I feel I can’t go back untill I’ve had my second injection they have given me tablets to sleep but I can’t function on them and I have my dogs to look after. All I think about is Ray you said you never leave me. How can I cope xx

I haven’t even had my first one yet!

Stephen got the text inviting him for the vaccination the day after he died.

How I didn’t throw the phone at the wall still astounds me

Is it zopiclone? If so try taking just half a tablet: I find it still makes me sleep bit it doesn’t give me the hangover th next day

It’s amitriptyline

Knocks me out for days and I can’t drive do anything look after my dogs

Ask for something like zopiclone. Much less invasive during the day

I found this on Facebook a couple of days ago. So very, very true.