
I lost my eldest son 3yrs 10mths ago and my last brother 6 months ago. My ‘get up and go’ seems to have gone. Has anyone felt like this?

Hi it’s normal to feel like this I lost my partner suddenly in May and i have to push myself sometimes I say yes to things and sometimes no I feel a different person I don’t know if I will be the same again.
Christine x

Thanks Christine. I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your partner. I don’t think we can ever be the same again, I guess it’s getting used to the new normal! Take care x

I would give anything to have my old life back but I have to adjust.
Take care
Christine x

I don’t expect to ever be the same person again. I’ve no idea what person I could become as I presume that will be a work in progress. I hope I will be able to do some of the things I used to do in my new guise as a single person, maybe I will enjoy some of those things. I don’t feel fearful of my future but I don’t expect things to be easy. I don’t have any idea what normal might look like and so I probably won’t recognise it when I get there. It might be a useful use of time to work out what would constitute normal… but not yet.

I truly wish you well on your journey.