Hello all
It’s been a while since I did a topic. It’s because one of the best things has happened lately. I met an amazing sexy woman.
Today is exactly 9 years since I started my job. I’ve got everything I ever wanted a job I love and love found me. Back in November after 17 years of being with my ex partner I woke up and realised I can’t keep doing this to myseuf staying in neglectful relationship with someone who reckoned I was her soulmate. I dumped her Just like that I’d had enough of the way she treated me. I told myself you can’t keep on having arguments and keep on begging her to take her back. I didn’t have the strength to end it with her. This went on for over 17 years. She wants to be friends but I don’t. I don’t want a constant reminder of my past. She’s my past she’s one of so many failures I had to get out of my life if I’m going to truly move on and not be a weak man. Two weeks after I dumped her I found real true love. That doesn’t come around often. I wasn’t expecting it it just hit me there she was and there was I just out of the blue chatting. Love found us. It does do that whether you want it to or not. I’m the happiest man alive
Since I lost my mum 8 years ago I’ve found new purpose I can see a future from all this grief
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I’m really happy for you, you’ve had a lot of turmoil to deal with and your in a better place now,happier years ahead glad you’ve found your possible soulmate.
Wishing you both all the very best.
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