Low confidence

All the grief I have had recently seems to have knocked me back. My self confidence and my confidence in life has shattered into a million pieces. I’m starting to doubt my self again, withdrawing a bit from family and friends, doubting myself in my job (I work in the NHS).

I just don’t know really where to start in building back my confidence. I know I’m still grieving and I want to keep going. Just really stuck on where to start…

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Trust me everyone can make a difference, just by you smiling at someone,can make that person day.Try to believe in yourself, sending you Love​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I’ve never really been a confident person mainly due to a very traumatic childhood it wasn’t until late into my 40s after many tests it was found that I have autism spectrum the only person who had given me confidence was my partner we were together for over 30 years
Ann gave me the confidence to do things I’d never had the nerve to do before I met her I would never wear bright coloured clothes or even think of travelling abroad on my own but when Ann went on a ladies only holiday with her daughter’s she encouraged me to go to the canaries on my own because I have no friends and I did enjoy it
Since Ann passed away nearly seven months ago my confidence has gone out the window all my bright coloured clothes have been taken to a charity shop and I very rarely get out of the house I think the main reason for me was going out to take some flowers to put on Ann’s resting place but I don’t do that anymore
Ann and myself made a lot of friends in Caleta who live there and since she passed away they keep asking me to go out and visit them I think I’m running out of excuses
Every day I wonder if I will ever get any confidence back I’m hating my life now


I’m so sorry for your loss. Having autism makes things so much harder, especially regulating emotions.

Maybe try to go out for a walk and grab a takeaway coffee or something you like? It seems like our confidence lowers when someone close to us dies because its out of our control.

Maybe try something you enjoy. I like going out with my camera and I did it this weekend and felt somewhat myself for a short amount of time. I gave myself the time and space, and I know photography is something I enjoy and gets me out of the house. It’s sort of my therapy in a way…

I hope things get better for you soon :smiling_face:


when I lost my father, my self-esteem plummeted. I expressed this to a friend and they were puzzled. but I had no self-confidence. took a real hit and lasted awhile.


My confidence is low and I don’t see many people. I have removed even a best friend from my life due to her constant moaning and negativity. That may sound mean however I just don’t need it in my life. To get me out I love my swimming and go most days. What I find hard is that as I live in a small village where so many people think they know how you should feel that I even find it hard to walk into the village. Are you able to relate to this at all or am I just overthinking it. I would love an honest opinion please as it may help me move forward, I find it so much easier talking to people I have never met.


You have to do what you need to do to maintain your wellbeing and mental health. Even if that means you lose a friend. Ive removed my so called “best friend” because she was quite judgemental of me. I don’t need her in my life to judge me so she’s not in my life anymore.

Yes I get how you feel, at this moment in your life you need people to validate how you feel and sometimes people just don’t. I hope this is what you mean. I have people that don’t validate how I feel, especially at this moment in my life where I’m just feeling so much loss and feel like my life is in tatters.


Thank you Natalie for taking the time to reply and can relate to why you have removed a best friend, and yes what you have put has helped. Thank you. This journey is like hell some days and I just don’t need negativity from some people who I have had in my life so yes they have been removed. I also went through my contacts and yes some were deleted. Thank you again xx

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You’re welcome :hugs: it’s okay to remove people from your life who don’t support you or belittle you. Take care :hugs:

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Thank you, I just need to get a bit more confidence back and believe in myself and not over think things which I have a habit of doing sometimes. I seem to play scenarios in my head. I think I fret about what people may say to me especially when I go out on my own in a small gossipy village, you too take care xx

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Same here, it will come back but it takes time. Time is a healer and it’s different for each and every person.

I overthink things too and take things way out of context sometimes. :hugs:

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Yep it all takes time on this journey of hell, all we can do is little steps when we are ready and it’s different and difficult for us all xx

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