
For fifty plus years my Jo was a vegetarian then she got cancer and lost a huge amount of weight. Her consultant told her that her body had to fight the cancer and she should really consider eating meat to give her the nutrients she wasnt getting. On the way back from that appointment we went to the drive in MacDonalds and she had her first big mac, and said she liked it. I was amazed . She passed away three years ago ,I sold the house and moved away. Because I wanted to be closer to family I have recently moved back to the area where we were living and today went to the drive through that I used to take Jo to. The last time I was there was with her. I sat in the car park and cried my eyes out.


Oh my goodness. That resonates. The one thing we often did was go for Mac Donald’s breakfast. It was the go to for any problem! Park up by the sea and have a McMuffin! Trouble is: without Alan I can’t imagine doing that ever again. So I have so much respect for you. Today was a struggle for me. I went with friends to the karaoke bar we always went to in a group. I tried so hard to be ‘normal’. I tried to sing one of the songs that meant so much to us. I totally failed. Everyone was so kind and supportive but I just felt like I wanted to cry. I did cry actually. Now I’m home. Alone in an empty, quiet house. And I don’t know what to do. Sorry, I’m usually Mrs Positive but right now I’m struggling. I feel like I’ve hijacked your post here. Apologies x


You havent high jacked anything. Thank you for replying.


To do things you once did with your life partners takes such courage.
I’m 4 months along and I know I would crumble . Don’t be hard on yourselves you have such courage .


McDonalds was a major thing for me and my mick too, a coffee every morning before he took me to work :disappointed: it’s absolutely horrendous isn’t it, the little things and memories what trigger us off, I’m only 3 month down this road to hell and I hate it


I,m just a year on from my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue passing away.yesterday i took my first drive for 15months .myself and my daughter aderlaide went to macdonalds where me and sue l went most Sundays .we got back from there and i broke down later that night when I was on my own .took a lot to do this.just feel lost again


It’s so vile isn’t it, going to the places we went with our other half’s, :sob::sob::sob: I was crying today as the sun was shining up here in Sunderland and I was thinking micks never going to see another sunny day!! Don’t know why that set me off cos he hated being hot!!


I understand that
It’s not seeing or sharing what we are seeing. I write in my journal it’s getting lighter steve but your not here to see it .
It’s heart breaking.


Yeh its the sharing i miss too … doing things for another person. I loved cooking for him , making sure he looked nice, caring for him… i just liked to look after him … i don’t like to just think about myself and what i want to do … wheres the fun in that ? Its the joy i miss, the laughs, the cuddles - all.of it … 14 months in … does it ever get better ? Can we find a purpose for being here ? I got a new grandson due in a month … not been very close to my daughter recently … the loss of my husband has been like putting a grenade into our family … but im looking forward to seeing the little fella … i hope he looks a little like my husband … that be nice wouldnt it ? :slight_smile:


That would be so lovely if he looks like him.
For sure your grandson will carry some of his genes yours to . Hope it all goes well .


Deb5 that would be absolutely lovely for you

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It would wouldnt it ? :slight_smile: you never know ? It would make my daughter happy - she adored her dad ! Xx


I also think of all the things I did with my parents, & all the things my dad did with my daughter. My dad also lost a lot of weight with his illness. Everywhere I go reminds me of my parents. I know how you feel. Take care.

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