
My Mam died just over 3 years ago. The day she died we were having a cup of coffee around 9:30am & she took a pain in her head, by 10:30am she fell out my arms & we never spoke again. I gave her CPR for 20 minutes until the ambulance came but she never came back. I struggle everyday with if I had done something different would she still be here, but I was told it was a catastrophic haemorrhage.

Although the shock & trauma of that day, I cope a little better with, it never leaves me, I miss her everyday because she was my Mam but also my best friend, it feels like grieving for two people. I find it hard to talk to people about how I feel as I think they must think, its been years, get over it Di, I never want to burden anyone with my thoughts & feelings & some days I tell myself I should be over these feelings. The pain is unbearable some days.

I still have my Dad, a great husband & my sister & her family, but its being the family burden that is hard for me after this time…

Hi, unbelievable but there are three posts, one after each other all basically saying the same thing, I do hope you all will read each other’s post and get same comfortable from each other.
Losing mums is really hard , they are special people in our lives and when they leave us we feel it hard. They will always be part of us and our life’s, please read others post which I do hope help you.
Take care and stay safe. Sxxx

Hi Di1975

Exactly the same happened to me 2 years and 4 months ago. My mum and I were laughing and joking then she had a massive brain hemorrhage and died the following day, never regaining consciousness.

No one is interested after this time. My sister never mentions her and my partner and daughter rarely do.

My life has changed completely and so have I.

Just wanted to let you know that I understand.
