
So today is the funeral of my beautiful Graham. I’m in bits already and don’t know how I’ll cope. My heart and stomach are pounding and in knots. I saw Graham at the chapel of rest yesterday and it’s the last time I’ll physically touch him. I feel guilty for leaving him alone in his coffin. Life’s cruel xx


@Manda23 My heart goes out to you as I know the feeling well. I actually took some travel sickness tablets on the day of my husbands funeral. They just helped calm me down. In the end it was the utter dread of getting through the day that was worse than the actual day. I had a great support network around me and it was so lovely to hear all the lovely things people said about him and to have all the family together. I know what you mean about leaving him though. I felt like that when he’d gone and I left him in the hospice and when I’d visited him at the funeral directors. Be prepared as you might get that feeling after the funeral, it all seems so final! I now have my husbands ashes in a cabinet in our lounge. I feel like I have him home and that’s where he’s staying. Sending you a big hug to get you through the day. J x


Thankyou. I have great support too.we are having a celebration and a band afterwards,but that seems wrong too xx

Not at all! My husband was very much into singing and acting so his order of service was a ‘Programme’ and his wake was an ‘After Show Party’! He actually told me to make it a ‘good un’! He would not have been disappointed! It was very much a celebration of his life! As with grief it is a very personal thing and your husbands sounds like it will be great! Of course there will be sad moments but I’m sure you will smile too. J x