Read this this morning and thought it may be of interest to those struggling with Christmas:
Personally, I love this.
I’ve turned my Christmas on it’s head this year. Just for this year, I’m doing it my way and asking my family to fit in with that. And they’ve agreed.
For some of us, a step like this might be too much, too soon, but I like the fact there are alternatives…
I hope you all find some peace and happy thoughts between the sadness and the grief, however you choose to spend the day
@Walan Thanks for the link.
October 8th was the day for me that life changed.
Today though, (and also last week) I went into work, to see friends for a couple of hours, and it was really nice, although I did cry a lot each time I spoke to someone I hadn’t seen since J killed himself.
I went for lunch today with 2 work colleagues, and do you know what…I really enjoyed it, just having catch ups with the politics of office life, and 'gossip. It was a distraction I welcomed.
Slowly, slowly, I am making progress, simply because I don’t have a choice, I need to make a life after J, it’s what he wanted too.
I still have the inquest to deal with, but I think after that, I will become more focused on making a new life for myself. That said, I do often move 4 steps forward, then slide right back again, it’s up and down, and it is what I expect.
Oh, and I am staying home at Christmas, me and the cat.
I think this is our new way of living and adapting. A long, slow journey with plenty of ups and downs but we need t remember our own woth, our own value… and we are the keepers of our partner’s memory
Agree, that is a good approach and one that I am taking.
I had quite a big set back, in that a friend I really trusted let me down a bit, but it is what it is. I will eventually move forward, no way would J have wanted me moping about.
Of course it will take time and there will be lots of setbacks, but such is life hey!
I love that S_Diva, we are the keepers of our partner’s memory. So well put xx