May be of interest

Binge drinking & eating due to bereavement

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Thank you. I don’t binge but I don’t care what I eat, where as we did, I did before. We lived such a healthy lifestyle in the last 18 months before he died. We hardly drank, we are only healthy foods and exercised. We both lost weight, being honest I probably went to far but since he died I thought, what’s the point. I now eat what I want, when I want and I have a drink, when I fancy (still not often).

Smoking, I stopped about 15 years ago, I desperately wanted a cigarette the day I got the news that he died but if I just had one, that would have been it, I would have been back on them.

So I’m not bingeing, I’m rebelling! But a good read.


Yeah not too bad myself with all of that these days, I do indulge sometimes, but then I guess most of us always did and I guess I always will. As you say I found it interesting, especially the response as to why people may do this in grief, what it may be covering up and how to move away from it. Food for thought (excuse the pun!)

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I didnt drink much before my husband died and so far have only had a couple of wines when i’ve been out for lunch.
As for eating well that stopped for months so lost weight now eating but not great meal for one not very appealing
Been out in garden for 1hr trying to tackle bamboo which has taken over garden
He loved it but for me hard work bamboo is over 16ft talll and im only 5ft so not too easy. Think need someone to help after winter.
Anyway take care todays another day at least the weekends over. They are always so long.