Meal times

Just had a meal tonight managed to do stir-fry.
Anything quick these days i hate being in kitchen and taking through to eat on my own. Mostly i eat out or snack and dont eat much on my own. It has been 7 months thought id be eating more. Is anyone else having these problems not sure how to get back to eating properly these days.
Eating on your own holds no.pleasure.
I have lost over nearly 1 stone in weight dont want to lose anymore
Lynne Xx


Hi @Galaxy75 I’m in the same predicament. I’ve lost a stone and a half in 4months (today) and I was slim to begin with. I can’t be bothered to cook, and I don’t have much of an appetite anyway. I still can’t face going into my local supermarket because it would be too painful without Hunter. So I’ve been having my shopping delivered, which is mainly ready meals. I look terrible being so thin, so I know I need to get my act together but it’s very hard. It’s also more expensive doing it like this. As you say, there is no pleasure in eating alone. It used to be a fun thing cooking and eating together.
I just try to eat small amounts throughout the day and try to eat things with as much nutrition as possible. Soup has become a great go to. Also easy to eat desserts, heaven help my cholesterol lol xx

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Hi @Mist2
Yes when i was at doctor’s recently my cholesterol was high despite loosing weight wonder why ??
Im trying to eat healthy but failing badly.
I too have shopping delivered i have shopped but find it hard. Keep want to li k up things Kevin would have wanted eaten then realised that i would not have.
If i’m out i try to eat but fast food not really good.
Just wish i could eat and sleep but after the last few months dont think thats happening soon.
Take carey
Lynne X x

Yes, when I had blood tests for the first time in 10 years in the spring I was borderline for meds for cholesterol. Stress can release cortisol and adrenaline which can increase cholesterol levels. Stress has a lot to answer for. Also struggling like you with sleeping. Was still awake at 4 am this morning. I’ve tried milky drinks, no tea or coffee after 8pm, I try to go alphabetically through all the countries we visited, then cities, I try breathing exercises, nothing works. It’s just misery, isn’t it.
Fingers crossed you get a decent sleep tonight
Dena xx

Hi @Mist2 Dena
You too hope you get good nights sleep :sleeping:
Lynne Xx

Hi @Mist2
Hope you managed a sleep last night and had a good day
Today had been cold but dry in my area.
I have a cold so stayed in and did some cleaning.
Tomorrow have bank meeting so hope it does not snow in Edinburgh.
Take care

Hi Lynne
I slept a little better last night, hope you did too. I’ve been in all day too, had my shopping delivered, I have to say I’m getting awful tired of ready meals. But I plucked up the courage to go into our supermarket a couple of weeks ago and bumped into several people offering their sympathy and giving me a cuddle. Which is so lovely of them but it overwhelmed me and I had to get out quickly. Why are ordinary things like food shopping such a trial for me now…
Hope your cold gets better soon
Dena x

Hi @Mist2
Glad you managed some sleep last night.
I have gone shopping but dont meet anyone from around here as most get delivered.
I am fed up eating alone now it has to be something quick or microwave meal nowadays.
Everything is just so complicated now.
I have done some soup so have put portion size into freezer for me to use.
Another weekend nearly over i dont what to do to get through them maybe volunteering at weekends.
Hope you have a good evening and get a good nights sleep
Lynne x

Thanks Lynne, you too.
I do wonder when I’ll ever have hope for the future, or a glimmer of even just a pleasant life. Everything as you say is so complicated. A part of Hunter’s music system which was his pride and joy needs checked out, but I would have to drive to Glasgow city centre, and although I’ve been driving all my life I won’t drive in a city. So it’s yet another thing that was never a problem, but now I can’t sort it out without imposing on someone. It feels like there are obstacles round every corner.
Hope you have a reasonable week
Dena x

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16 months since my husband passed away and still not eating or sleeping as should. I used to cook most of our meals but now rely on snacks ready meals etc. and often skip breakfast or lunch. Groceries are delivered by Tesco and since starting to drive again last June I only only go locally Have been to supermarket a few times but found it a bit overwhelming and was anxious in case of meeting people I knew. Hoping to have counselling from cruse sometime soon. Take care x

Hello @Pakapa. I start Cruse counselling on Thursday and I hope it helps and for you too. The total muddle of grief, anxiety, practical problems, lack of confidence all swirls around and makes life so difficult. I can’t believe I’m walking the path on my own now, making difficult decisions and hoping they’re right. I hope your day isn’t too bad x

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