Has anyone lost someone and later discovered their death was due to medical negligence
Lost my mum a month ago today she was originally admitted for a bad UTI. We were told she was put on antibiotics for five days via IV
She went from Saturday evening being okay and us being told she was coming home Tuesday to dead nine hours later
They couldn’t get a cause of death without a post-mortem, which showed it was perforated diverticular disease which brought on peritonitis and sepsis
We found out she was complaining of bad pain in between IV sessions in the early hours they didn’t bother checking on her for an hour after that and found her unresponsive
Talking to a friend whose son-in-law is a paramedic he informed me that when she was taken in and we informed him what the paramedic told us which was confusion lack of urine tachycardic and swelling at the bottom of the left leg. These were all signs of sepsis.
Basically, the hospital let her die
We’re battling to get hold of the medical notes because she didn’t leave a well so I’ve got to get probate which takes up to 16 weeks
Anyone glancing through this, do you think it’s worth going to a solicitor?
We wouldn’t of minded if we’d been told when she had been admitted after sitting in casualty for 14 hours she’s got this she’s got that we don’t think she would survive surgery She’s got no more than a few days or a week. I really think you and the family need to be prepared to say goodbye to her instead of making arrangements for when she was coming home. and thinking we have Christmas with her.
I am going through a case now .my husband died through negligence. I know this for a fact. The medication that was meant to go into his bladder went straight into his bloodstream and the person that administered it had hurt him that day .he had the treatment many times before .she gave him treatment .we went home came back spent 10 hours in urgent treatment centre before he was sent to intensive care where he was put in a ventilator. He had sepsis shock he never stood a chance .he fought for 6 weeks to stay with us until his body could take no more .I will get justice for him .He should still be here .My mind just keeps going over and over what happened that day.I have a meeting hopefully in march with urologist and everyone concerned .they took my soulmate of 58 years away from me.Im broken and i dont know how i get through each day xx I have never known such pain
I lost my husband to cancer because the neurology department kept sending him home and doing nothing, they could see how bad it was but still didn’t do anything until it was too late and he was rushed in to hospital and never came home, we only found out on 22nd October it was cancer and he passed away 23rd November, so I only had 4 weeks with my lovely husband
We found out 13th Nov there was nothing they could do as it had spread and he was too weak for chemo, from that date i had 10 days with him as he was moved to a hospice on the Tuesday morning and passed away on the Saturday evening
Im so sorry .I really do feel your pain . Sending you a hug x
It’s like with my mum she was in casualty for 16 hours before they found a bed , we’ve found out from the post mortem report that no doctor saw her after her admittance , there were no notes at all the day before she died , and as they found her unresponsive reading between the lines she’d already gone as she was continual flatline - I want to know why they didn’t check on her / get a doctor
Even if you’ve someone at home who says they don’t feel well etc you check on them
Like you say I’ll get justice for my mum like with your husband you’ve probably got the same thing so many questions that don’t make sense