
I went to see a private medium and it was really good . She brought my mum and dad first . Then she definitely brought my husband . He said exactly what I hoped he would that he was doing ok and that he loved me and was so grateful for all the happiness I had given him for all our life together


Lovely to hear. I am very tempted. I lost my dad over 20 years ago and my mum in May this year. She was my world. x


Can you PM me who you used please?
Iā€™ve had so many readings now and I could tell none of them were really connecting with anyone Iā€™ve lost. Theyā€™ve all been so incredibly generic and vague probably because my Facebook is completely private.
They do the usual gentleman here with a heart condition, lady with cancer.
Theyā€™re telling me about a memorial tattoo / memory bears, who had a miscarriage? Thereā€™s a baby there. Thereā€™s a dog there with them.
Youā€™ve kept some of their clothing. Yiu sleep with something of theirs like a hoody or jumper. You kiss their photo. Thereā€™s a ring/necklace of your mams, a watch of your dads, you went to see them after they passed, put a flower in with them, youā€™re thinking about going on holidays, whose moving or buying a new car? Whose getting blood tests done? Whereā€™s the link to uniform?
all the usual generic stuff that applies to almost everyone :rofl:

Iā€™m still hopeful to find one who can convince me though :crossed_fingers:


Unfortunately when mediums tend to charge Ā£50+ for a 50 minute reading it becomes a highly profitable buisness and they make more money than doctors, nurses, firemen etc. This makes it so attractive for fake mediums to jump on the bandwagon and either just search your Facebook page for information or just wing it with a cold read if they canā€™t find anything on your Facebook.
Unfortunately Iā€™ve used tonnes and not one of them has given me anything to convince me of anything more.
The amount of people who have recommended mediums to me and said they were ā€œblown awayā€ by a medium to then tell me the things that blew them away were things like memorial tatoos, mentioning an argument in the family, mentioning a miscarriage etc is shocking! Mediums say these things to EVERYONE because they are all so common the chances of getting a hit are massive!

One medium went into such incredible detail about my future that my OH was apparently communicating with her ā€œas clear as dayā€ then she said to me ask him something. She was obviously hoping Iā€™d ask something she could make up the answer to like will I ever be happy again, is he OK, whatā€™s the afterlife like etc. Instead I told her Iā€™d like to ask something specific that only we would know.
I asked her what the last film we watched together was seeing as she said she was having a full blown conversation with him. Obviously she couldnā€™t answer that but made a series of awful guesses.
Heā€™s showing me something with racecars in? No, oh maybe itā€™s helicopters? Like chasing someone? No.
Oh heā€™s showing me Robin Williams nowā€¦ No, dithered for a few minutes then oh heā€™s showing me an animated film or cartoon now? NO :see_no_evil:

Yet just minutes before sheā€™d told me in great detail lots of things that she thought Iā€™d want to hear about my future including that Iā€™d meet a chubby guy called Richard from Neath, Port Talbort. Heā€™ll have a silver car and be a football coach. Iā€™ll meet him on a night out with my hairdresser friend :rofl:
All that yet couldnā€™t tell her the last film we watched together. She probably uses the Richard with a silver car stiry a lot.
I paid Ā£250 for that reading. That woman seriously canā€™t have any morals whatsoever :roll_eyes:


Why do you keep trying @LostLil. May be have a break for a while. Youā€™ve been searching for a long time. Will you be able to trust any medium?

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I havenā€™t actually booked a new one for months :rofl:
These were ones that I booked and paid for months ago that I had to wait ages for. To be honest as soon as I gave them feedback that they were all just saying the same standard, scripted statements most of them refunded me instantly.

Tbh I would trust a medium who could give me something other than the usual generic stuff but Iā€™m not going to accept something ridiculous like oh youā€™ve kept some of his clothes because we all do that :see_no_evil:


But if it applies to YOU personally, it means something. A reading is only from what information Spirit give to the Medium, if thats what the loved one in spirit connects to, and feels an emotional bond to, what else can they give the medium to pass on?
A medium tries their best to give you some proof of an after life, and believe me, no one is more upset than a medium when a person feels its a generic message. I witnessed a reading recently where religion came through as being important, the medium described a priest, his clothing and shoes, the way he spoke - and unfortunately the person could not accept the info as they said they werenā€™t religious. After the reading, the person told a story of how their loved one went to Lourdes regularly with the church, and how their loved one supported the church in care of other less fortunate oversees. They spent much time doing charity work abroad and had left all of their worldly fortunes to the church! Yet still the person felt the info didnt apply to their reading and their loved one.

A medium knows when a reading hasnt hit the spot - its just hoped in time a person can see the acurracy in the info given.

Iā€™ve had many mediums tell me I have a ring of my mams, I havenā€™t. Neither of us wore jewellery and she was buried with her wedding ring.

Iā€™ve been told many times Iā€™ve had a memorial tattoo done. I havenā€™t. I havenā€™t got any tattoos and I donā€™t plan on getting one.

Iā€™ve been told Iā€™ve released balloons in memory of my partner. I havenā€™t. Of all the things I would consider to remember him letting balloons go so they can fall somewhere and become more litter is the last thing Iā€™d do.

Iā€™ve been told I was holding his hand in hospital and talking to him at his bedside. He didnā€™t make it to hospital.

These are not things mediums are getting from him. They are scripted statements that they say to everyone because the chances of getting a hit off these are extremely high same with disagreements in the family, legal stuff still needing sorting, miscarriages and dogs etcā€¦

Even if there is any truth in mediumship and I really hope there is there absolutely IS a massive amount of frauds out there who will either look you up first or just cold read you with generic statements and sadly there are people out there who will take a generic statement as proof.


Having lost my wife four months ago I must confess that Iā€™m desperate to hear her voice or anything about her so I have considered,and dismissed,a medium. I have more seriously considered attending a spiritual meeting but as yet not had the courage.
Having read your posts in particular I have to say that for something so serious I had to laugh at the things you said,I do know itā€™s a very serious thing and I am going through hell and back with the pain of loss but I do admit that intentionally or not you made me laugh.
Needless to say my visit to a medium will not be happening any time soon. Take care and keep fighting.


@miker i understand how you feel . To be honest the mediums at the spirituality church are hit and miss . I had seen Linda shepherd publicly 3 times before I booked her . She was very accurate with what she said about my husband and my mother . Itā€™s not for everyone thought

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Oh gosh thatā€™s not even the half of it :rofl:
Some of them have been absolute howlers to be fair. I guess when you know the script and know whats coming you can hear the exact moment they backtrack and the thought process behind it.
I know the desperation to connect in some way only too well.
Itā€™s 7 months for me and I still desperately want to believe heā€™s still around but unfortunately Iā€™ve still not had anything to convince me :sob:


The mediums in my spiritualist church are usually the I have a gentleman here with chest pains type, asking older people if they were one if five or seven kids and asking younger people if they were on of two or three. Older people did tend to have more children. Often they guess wrongly anyway.
That one makes me laugh tbh. Why would a spirit come through to mention they had 7 kids if they only had 5 :see_no_evil:
Feels like the medium is just making guesses based on peoples ages in the hope that they guess right tbh :roll_eyes:

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I am sorry that youā€™ve been let down by scammers. There are good mediums out there who donā€™t charge much, and sometimes do it for free just because they feel its needed.
Spiritual Church is a good place to find validation because they donā€™t do it for the money, they do it for love. Entrance may only be Ā£3 and though youā€™re not guaranteed a reading, if its a small group, theres a high chance of getting one.
I went recently and my Nana came through and her first words were ā€˜Youā€™re around wicked peopleā€™ and the medium wasnt completely wrong, my Nana would definitely feel that the person I am helping is a bad un in her eyes. Theres no secrets in Spirit, especially with my Nana watching haha

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Iā€™m surprised that being mediums they donā€™t know youā€™re on the way and scarper, sort of ā€œthis girl is bad for business,ā€ :rofl: :joy:


Mediums arentntuned in all of the time, they tune in for a session and then log out. They can only give what they get and nothing more.
Lets not turn into a bash the medium brigade, donā€™t judve all mediums as scammers. - most are salt of the Earth, serving Spirit becauae they love to help people.

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Iā€™m sure there are lots of mediums out there who genuinely do want to help people but unfortunately when the going rate seems to be Ā£50+ an hour itā€™s an incredibly profitable business that is bound to attract a lot of fakes.


I have expressed my view only,it isnā€™t a case of bashing anyone from my point of view and I certainly donā€™t question yours as I donā€™t have the right to do so. If your experience has been a good one then great.


@miker mine was amazing said things my Andrew would have said

To be honest reading all those questions i could say they apply to me. I did see a good one a few years ago but she is no longer here. I made a big mistake by phoning these psychics that advertise. Same questions every time. Nothing what they predicted has happened. Sheer waste of money . I learnt the hard way.

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