Meet ups

Are there any meet ups in the merseyside area. It would be nice to meet up with people who really understand what we are going through. I lost my partner 14 months ago and it feels like yesterday I am struggling more than ever to cope. I’ve done everything I can to help myself met up with friends joined a class go for walks go the gym everything! But I struggle the minute I stop and I feel like people think I should be coming to terms with it now and I never will ! It doesn’t work like that does it I would just like to sit and chat with people who know and understand :heart::heart::broken_heart:


Hi Ang12,

If you do not get any replies from people in your area, there are a few other things you can try: your local library may have a list of groups, or your GP surgery. There may also be churches in your area or community halls with information on notice boards about groups. There is also a website called Meetuo. I had a quick look for you and there is one group in Merseyside. This is the link:
and this is the website:
I hope this is helpful.

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Although I don’t live in your area I too would like to meet up with people in a similar situation knowing that they can relate to how you are feeling and give an insight into how they worked through this mire called grief. I live in Anglesey and would be happy to meet up with someone local

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I have taken a deep breath and recently joined Odd Fellows . My darling husband died 2 years ago and I found the loneliness so hard and still do, as family and even good friends think that I should be over the grieving by now. I still miss my hubby every day. There are Odd Fellows groups all over UK with coffee mornings and outings on offer each month. There is a mixture of widows and widowers and most are lonely and glad to make new friends .You may find a group near you so try going along, if you don’t like it you need not go again.


Thank you I will look it up and see if there is a group locally. There’s no time limit on grief I was widowed 17 years ago met my partner and were together for 14 years he died 5 months ago it been hard because it brought back all the pain & grief from when my husband died . You never forget you just learn to live your life in a different way .

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Hello Ang
Totally relate to you and seek like minded people that have and are going through this life changing trauma.
I was talking to my friend and tried to explain to her that no one really knows except for those that are in the same situation.

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Would anyone in Essex like a meetup?
Amy x