Memories of end of life

Hi everyone I’m Eileen I’m just lost ATM my mum passed coming up on a year now. I looked after her she lived with me and my family for coming up on +11years, and I nurses her along with my daughter right up until god called her home. I know she is happy and I know she was happy to move in from this life she was tired and sore and just needed to escape from that. I still hear her calling me and I still look for her every morning. The last days of her life where settled most of the time… I see her face everyday and hear her say she couldn’t do the last without me … it hurts my heart to think that she might not have known I was there every minute. I know that sounds mad because I think me and her could actually speak telepathically in the end … ND probably a bit selfish of me wanting that reasurance from her. But I said to my friend today I just miss her she was the one that made everything ok and I hope that I made her last days with us as loving and reassuring as she made us feel. Sorry just had to get that out there … thanks for reading … ,e xx


Hi Ellen4 I’m so sorry you’ve lost your beautiful Mum, it must be incredibly difficult getting towards the first anniversary as it must still feel like yesterday and so raw in many ways.
I just wanted to stop by and say that your words resonated with me and helped me say to myself that I’m not selfish or going mad as I too wonder if my Mum knew I was right by her side every minute before she passed. I didn’t live with her but I went part time to help nurse and care for her and generally try and spend every precious minute I had left with her.
Today marks 6 months since she passed and one year since her 19 year old cat passed. Sounds silly I know but she loved him so much and she seemed to decline rapidly after his passing. He gave her such comfort during her battles.
Like you though what it comes down to is that I miss her, I miss her so much that it hurts and like you I wonder if she knows and she knew I was there.
I don’t know about you but I’ve also so much to talk about with her! We were always nattering and I miss our girly chats. Thinking of you x

@Sal46. I know it’s just crazy she was my head when I didn’t have one if that makes sense … I also have a dog who is missing her she spoilt her rotten and when I look at her my heart breaks because she can’t tell me how she’s feeling … So I understand about the pet too … I just know that in them final moments I could feel her heart stop and mine felt like it actually shattered with hers … I think with my daughter getting married to and I know how much the 2 of them just adored each other and I know that day would have been as special for her as it will be for me … And my wee man is starting big school as she would have called it … all the little things … I’m so sorry for your loss as well I’ll keep you in my prayers I think we all need them stay safe Exx