
I had a very early memory pop in my head this morning. I was very young I went on holiday with mum only. Mum took me to a show I complained I wasn’t feeling well, had a very high temperature back then. I was rushed to hospital and kept in. I spent the whole week in hospital with measles. The hospital staff looked after me well, mum did visit. I was distraught of being on my own. I did have a Womble that went everywhere with me. Womble felt like a guardian, a protector. I can’t remember how old I was, it was back in the 70s. Mum was always there for me until August last year. I keep having these flashback memories, followed by tears. I do miss her, one day I hope to see her again.


Awww, I loved The Wombles. The old TV programmes were the best :yellow_heart:.

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I got too many memories with mum and besides work I got nothing to move forward with. My life seems finished !

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Could you try and connect with old school friends? :yellow_heart:

dangerous in today’s world