
A while ago my wife and decided to go on a long weekend to Krakow,we both wanted to do the tour of you know where,after dinner one night we strolled around the back streets of the city window shopping,we came across this specialist glass shop,my wife bought six hand made glasses as they were so beautiful and she loved them,yesterday in my infinite wisdom I decided to do a bit of sorting out and came across said glasses,I was an absolute wreck for ages,but it’s a treasured memory,peace and hope to everyone.


I totally understand, my whole house is one big reminder of the wife I’ve lost, everything in the house was either done or bought for Joan and anything I see brings back memories of her.
The most things that just kill me are her personal things,her watch,phone,jewellery,perfume and sunglasses that she was wearing in the many photos I took of her during our holidays in Greece,my life is shit.
Best wishes mate.


Yes those personal things are a real killer,back in March I had a pergola erected in the garden so my wife could sit out,the chemo she was on made her susceptible to blistering in direct sunlight,now it’s just a painful reminder,and your right life is shit and just keeps getting thicker,good luck mate.Ron

I was just going to do a suduko to occupy my mind for a while but then the memory of my husband doing them came into my mind and the tears started again. How on Earth are we supposed to cope when the simplest of things start me off.
I too have the his glasses and watch comb razor and headphones left in view.
I don’t want o lose any of the memories but my goodness it hurts.


My Les was always collecting the strangest things - string, pierces of used blutac our grandson had played with, tiny knot of wood - I used to ask him why but he just said he loved it - now I have them on the windowsill next to his chair - I wear his wedding ring and I have photographs displayed of the two of us - this last thing may not be strange but I only really put photos out of our daughter and grandson before I did have photos of us but but not in the living room - it’s sometimes comforting and sometimes upsetting - he loved Lily’s and since his death I always have them on the windowsill - I get a bit anxious if they’re dying and I haven’t got new ones to replace them but it’s not happened yet- all these things are both happy and sad things but it’s just how it is x

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I never wanted photos or things on the walls,since my wife died I have hung lots of photos of her and us and signs she bought up,my wife also loved lilies my grandson made a wooden memorial planter,and I had a brass plaque made saying Lesley’s lilies and filled the planter with lilies,a small urn of some of her ashes was also included,so she’s with me forever.

Omg reading your post reminds me of everything thats Gras i have is ring on a chain around my neck . I also have his phone and glasses on my table. I hold his phone and i just sob . Xxx

I can’t put up photos yet. I have them in my phone and I play videos but I get so heartbroken when I see Ken’s lovely face smiling at me in the photos.
I’m going to put some of his hair in a locket to wear round my neck. I have given our sons his rings. Gave them to them on Father’s Day.


I used to do sudoku while my husband watched tv. I can’t even pick up the book without the tears coming.
I didn’t know what to buy him for his birthday back in March. We saw a rocker bench in the local garden centre and he said that’s what he would like. It was delivered to us but the weather hadn’t been good so it remained covered. It’s still covered because I cannot bear the thought of sitting on it without him. He never got to sit there. :broken_heart:
I just feel guilty all the time - like I let him down. Maybe if we’d seen a doctor earlier he could have had the antibiotics which may have helped. I know he had leukaemia but they told us he was reasonably stable, with weekly transfusions. He always said he felt relaxed and “safe” when we were together and somehow I feel like I’ve let him down so much. :broken_heart::broken_heart::cry::cry::cry:

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I usecto play bubble quest not played it since i lost Gra , we got some new furniture delivered on Friday , we choose before he passed. It broke my heart because he would have loved it . 7 weeks today omg how i wish we could go back in time. Xxx

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