Merry xmas my angels

Merry Christmas to my angels in the sky, your never far from my mind, celebrations are tough without you it’s difficult to feel the way others do.

It’s not the same decorating the tree it used to be so fun when it was you and me. I remember the smell of the meat cooking through the night and the surprise when I saw the pressies was such a delight.

Eating chocolates till we were ill, you drinking snowballs and baileys that was brill. Falling asleep on the sofa mouth open, catching flies, though that was your thing so no surprise!

All these memories of you is what gets me through this time of year! Remembering all of our festive cheer, so Merry Xmas up there, hope your celebrating too because Xmas isn’t Xmas without the two of you!


Thank you sharing your post Stargirl93. On Christmas Eve a 7.00pm we will be lighting a candle to remember our loved ones and everyone here.

Take care.

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