
Hello first time for me,but I have read lots of your feelings on here and my heart goes out to you all.I lost my husband four weeks ago to cancer he was 72 and I am 68.We were married for forty five years and together for 50.I am so miserable I just miss him so much and feeling completely lost.


Oh @Molly120, so sorry. Four weeks is very early, and those first weeks are hell. Everyone here has been through it and understands. I hope you’ve got family or friends to support you.

Hello Katrin 1 Thankyou for your reply.I have a son and daughter who have been a wonderful support but they need my support as well so try not to show to much how I’m really feeling.I lost both my brothers and my sister too cancer but this grief is on a different level.


Sorry it’s catrin 1

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I’m so sorry for your loss - it is so early for you and the pain will be unbearable at the moment. Make sure you are kind to yourself, it’s good to have support from your family and lean on them when you need to.
Just one day at a time is a way to try manage - it will get easier I have been assured.
Keep checking in here - there are lots of people who really understand what you are going through and can offer lots of support and understanding
Sending some strength for you this evening xx

Molly so sorry. It’s really hard supporting others when you’re suffering so much yourself.
We are all here for you and know what you’re going through. It’s the worst thing ever but so pleased y,ou have a son and daughter to help you

Thankyou Roni for your words sometimes it’s strange how you can talk to strangers but get some comfort from talking.I have family call me and ask how I’m doing but I just say I’m doing ok when really I want to say no I’m not I’m lonely and miserable and missing my husband.Not everyone understands a person’s grief or know what to say.I had a cleaning day today Windows and nets helped for a while.Hope you too have found some comfort in your day.

Hello Woolly Thankyou yes I am lucky to have a family.this world seems a strange place to me at the moment not sure what to do . Thankyou for listening