Miss Grandad so much

10 months since Grandad was suddenly taken from us.

It feels so empty without him. I miss him so much, I will start randomly crying. I love him so much and wish he was still here. Even though they’ll wilt, I want to take him some roses to his memory tree on Christmas Day. It’s important to me that I give him roses, as they were one of his fave flowers. I placed a rose in his coffin during chapel visit, so he’d always have one with him. Hurts how I miss him so much, Christmas will be hard this year. Grandad, I love you so much xx

Hi @Katie_Sunflower,

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to say thank you for so bravely sharing this with us. Keep reaching out,


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My grandad suddenly passed a month ago on Christmas Eve.

He was more like my father than grandfather. I have felt it deeply also as I see you are.

I love that you take roses. Is there anything else that reminds you of your grandad?

Take care