Miss mum

So, my mother was murdered in May and tonight it’s suddenly hit me, was she awake when it happened??? sorry, I just can’t get it out of my head. Im so scared that she was awake and terrified and knew what was happening to her. I wish anyone could tell me she slept through the whole thing but I know in my heart she didn’t. Everyone tells me I’ve dealt with this so well, I’m not, my heart and soul is breaking. I’m scared that if I finally let go and grieve ill never come back, so I keep going. My son is in a phyciatric hospital awaiting triar for her murder and I feel like my whole world is falling apart. I’ve lost my amazing mum and I’ve lost my son, I’m sad and angry and tired and broken… I don’t know where I go from here. Please help

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So much of how you feel is the same fir me, I lost my mum in May too. I’ve also lost all my siblings at the same time due to different reasons. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, no one should have to cope with this pain and the have the added anguish you have. I wish I could help but honestly I’m struggling so much too. I just wanted to reach out and let you know you’re not alone

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