Miss my dad so much .i was a daddy's girl

On the 24th September 23 8.53 am .
I had the phone worst phone call i could ever have … my mum had got up noticed my dads bed had not been slept in …
As mum walked in the kitchen my dad was lay across the kitchen floor with his clothes on from the day before even his slippers was on his feet still.

Dad had been there all night, when i got there it was 9.03 and mum had the neighbours with her i went into the kitchen absolutely sobbing my socks off i got down on the floor with Dad hed been there all night he was cold and starting to go purple .
My whole life had been shattered into thousands of pieces the paramedics came they was brilliant the police came to because dad was at home .

Dad had severe COPD only diagnosed exactly 1 year before.

So mums gone in a home she couldn’t cope with being in the house without Dad .
Ive had to sort dads funeral out empty the house and sell it to pay for mums care.

I feel i cant really cope with it all .
I had 8 week of work i went back 20/11/23, i put a front on but when im home i cry alot.
Im so sad .and now my partner feels im pushing him away to



I’m so sorry about your poor dad. I lost mine last Friday. He collspsed and I saw him on the floor passed away. It’s a nightmare and I have no idea what comes next. He is all I think about. We lost mum in November. I miss them so much as it was all so sudden.

I wanted you to know I saw your post and sending love and wishes for your healing. I have no advice - this is a total nightmare. I was a daddy’s girl and he was the most important person in my life. I’m sad, broken and exhusted.

Just focus on the basics and build from there. Take care. Rob x


Im so sorry for your loss Anne - i lost my Dad unexpectedly over 20 years ago and was always regarded as a “Daddys girl” :blush:. It sounds like youve had a huge amount to deal with in a really short space of time - moving Mum to a care home, selling the house, going back to work on top of the grief of losing your Dad in such a traumatic way. I honestly cant imagine how youve handled it all. Does your employer offer any type of employee assistance programme where you could access counselling? Or could you speak to your GP for counselling support? After all that activity, your brain probably needs time now to catch up and start processing everything thats happened. I dont think the tears are a bad thing - i lost my mum 12 weeks ago and still cry at some point every day - i see it as a normal part of the grieving process. And if you are working all day youre probably having to keep those emotions in check, so theres nothing wrong with releasing them when you can. I dont know how supportive your employer is - could you be honest with them and say you’re struggling? Are there certain pieces of work/deadlines they could take off your shoulders temporarily to support you? :heart:


Thank you for your co.ment .i really appreciate it …its just a horrible time at the moment xx