Miss my momma

I miss my mum so much
I feel empty inside
It’s her funeral on the 4th June
I don’t know how I will get through it

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Hello @Ellen68,

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. Thank you for reaching out - I’m just letting you know I’ve moved this to our Losing a parent category so you can get the support you need :blue_heart:

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I know how you feel. I lost my Dad 3 months ago and the funeral was so hard. Just take everything day by day at the moment, its all you can do.

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Thank you
I am trying but it’s so painful

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I hope all goes well tommorow for you and that your mum has a good send off.

Grief is not an easy journey especially when it is a parent.

Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel the way you want to feel.

She is always going to with you whoever you go.

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