Miss my mum

Lost my mum in November


lost my mum in october

Hi @Izzy2 I lost my mum in September. It still doesn’t feel real. I miss her constantly and am struggling to cope with her loss and can’t process how huge it is. I feel like I’m broken.

Keep posting on here if there’s anything else you’d like to share, those who have also lost their parent will understand and be able to relate x

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Hey I know what you’re going through I lost mine in March last year, I still think it isn’t real at times.

Just feels like a massive void in my life now! I’m sorry that I don’t have much to say but it helps to know that you aren’t alone x

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Yeh totally I’m really struggling knowing mum isn’t here and I can’t talk to her.

I am so sorry for all your lossess. I truly understand how you feel. I lost my Mum 15mths ago & it still feels like yesterday at times. I miss her terribly every minute of the day.
I miss chatting to her in person, although I chat to her in my thoughts. Also to her photo.
Grief is so hard & we have to go with whatever feelings come along at any time.
It is good we have this space to support each other.
Take care.


I write to my mum in a journal and every night before I go to bed I get her photo and kiss her good night and tell her I love her!

I do believe there still around but it doesn’t make it any easier x


That’s a lovely idea using a journal. I might try that.
I still believe they are with us & they give us signs to let us know.
It is still hard & feels like a rollercoaster of emotions.

My mum passed away 6 weeks ago , not sure how to express how I’m feeling , the new hasn’t helped , one day at a time at the moment !

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I’ve started to write a diary as I’m writing to my mum.

i lost my mum 5 weeks ago, it was quite sudden. since she has passed, I havent slept at all. i just stop thinking on what i could have done differently. i just been constantly crying at home. i just cant cope, it brought up all tbe feeling since my dad died when i was 13. I’m completely lost without her, shes my mum, my best friend and now that she’s gone its like world has shattered and i feel very vulnerable and scared as i dont have any family/friends. i’m surviving but I miss alot and I would give anything just to hug her tightly and tell her how much i love her. its not easy but im trying my hardest to get through each day


Hi @mia4 I really feel for you and connect to what you said. I too feel so scared and vulnerable without my mum. She was my safety and comfort, the only one who could ever love me unconditionally. I have no other close family, just my husband, so I do feel very scared now I have no other support, I only ever needed my mum, she was my best friend and world and I could always rely on her. I would also give anything to hug her again :sob: I’m so desperate to see her.

It is a small help to talk on here though, and not feel so alone, as there are others who understand how you feel. Keep messaging on here if it helps you. I think all we can do is take one day at a time. Take care of yourself, try to do things to distract you from your grief, if only for a moment.


It is so scary being without our Mum’s, despite being a adult. I truly understand about feeling vulnerable too. I always used to have my Mum for my safety and she was my ‘go to person’.
I long to able to give her a hug, hear her voice, see her beautiful face.

Even after 15mths, I find each day a struggle at times. But I cry if I need too, get angry if that’s how I feel, I just let the emotions flow.
It is some help to write here, I do not feel so alone.
Take care


I lost my mum in September. I miss her loads i use to see her and talk to her everyday and its hard not being able to do that.


Feeling the same, lost my Mum 2 weeks ago x

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Lost my mum 13 weeks tomorrow. Having an emotional day today. Sitting in the kitchen and can see her wandering round, preparing sunday dinner. Or just sitting across the table from me, having a chat over a cup of tea. Or me attempting to cut her hair during lockdown :broken_heart:

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Hi , I think I may have symptoms of PTSD , has anybody suffered with it , my memory since my mum passed is al over the place

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I lost mum 10 weeks ago to cancer. My memory is awful and my spark has gone out. I’m hoping it will come back in time. Half of the issue is I’m tired, anxious and have a low tolerance for runbish at the moment.

I think it will come back in time. Rob x

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Maybe get some conselling for PTSD if you have it and can. Or a dedicated space to talk about it.

I have grief trauma- uncontrollable emotions, poor sleep, guilt and total sadness.

Good luck. Rob x

People keep asking me if I’m back at work!! Makes me think I should be coping better as I can’t think about work at the minute!! X