Miss you mam

Yesterday i cried for my mum more than ive cried in years.I think it was bottled up grief.Tears streamed down my face because life is bloody hard without my mum even nearly 4 years later.Especially around christmas because i watched my mother suffer in pain and basically the opposite of her.December 2020 till the day she died 2nd February 2021 from aspiration pneumonia.If the ambulance hadnt taken 4 hours to arrive then she wouldn’t have had a catastrophic stroke.Which left her with lots of blood clots in her brain and most of her body paralysed.Who sends a woman who is prone to blood clots has antiphospholipid syndrome saying she just had a trapped nerve in her hand she should have been given the correct tests
Ill name and shame that hospital Prince Charles hospital in Wales because they were negligent and let my mother down.

Then sends my grandfather home saying he had food poisoning which was actually stomach cancer.If thats not negligent i dont know what is.

Hi, im sorry to hear of your loss. You may have a case for neglect in both cases but it may help to remind yourself of the time these things happened. During Covid, hospitals were often the most unsafest of places, in 2020 when people were still dying with horrific respiratory and organ failure, staff couldnt always give patients the time that they needed due to amount of patients in A&E and on the wards. It may help you to let go of some the pain you feel if you remember life at that challenging time was far from normal for the whole world, as well as our country. I have anger towards my son’s nurse, ward and like you, i feel there was neglect. I contacted PALS and complained about it which resulted in my son and me being told the Matrons recollections were not inline with ours. We basically were told that we lied, and she held no accountabilty for his diabetes meds and testing kits being removed from him. They overdosed him while i was on the phone to him and the doctor yelled out ‘I think we overdosed him’ - according to the Matron this event did not take place! My son was a breath from death and had to be resuscitated. He had been in and out of hospital all of his life, he was used to it, but in the end I brought him home for his own mental health and safety. To control his diabetes, they were not giving him meals! He was 20 years old and had horrific post trauma from the neglect and ill treatment on the ward.
I havent stayed angry, i have tried to carry on getting through each day, living my life and honouring my son. Its all i can do, the anger only hurts me, no body else, so we have to deal with making a complaint, see it through if we can, and then manage our feelings when it comes to a conclusion.

Sending you much love and healing thoughts. Take care of yourself xx

Sorry, there is a typo above, it shoud say had, not ‘have’ anger xx

Im so sorry for what you went through too. Sounds horrific.We did make a complaint but they said they did everything right which is a complete lie but you cant fight the NHS unless your well off.My anger just came to the surface today with christmas and everything.

Hi Crescentmoon67,
Just read your post and it’s heartbreaking.
Similar happened to me with my mum. I took am in Wales.
It’s traumatic thinking back to what my mum went through in hospital.
Am thinking of you
Deborah x