Missing him so much today

Im missing my Ken so badly today, I woke up this morning thinking what’s the point. I would have just stayed there in bed but I had two hungry cats to look after.
I’m starting counselling on Monday via video call. Luckily I work for a company who cares and is funding it. Really hope it will help.



I lost my wife in September. We’d been together for over 25 years. Best friends and each other’s rock.
The doctor at the hospice told me the feelings of grief and then feelings of sort of being ok will come in waves. She was right. I know it’s impossible for someone to know the way someone else feels but I guess we’re all in the same storm, but in different boats. Knowing other people are in that same storm can at least make us feel less isolated. You’re lucky to have a good company you work for.
I’m also fortunate in that respect. My boss has been amazing and just told me to take as much time as I need. It certainly helps you to cope more without added pressure on top of grief. Take care. Mike


Mike, so sorry for your loss too, i understand, it was that way with us too.
You are right about the waves, today is bad, just feeling hopeless but just go to hang in there.

Thank you xx


im new on here i lost my partner in august which was all of a sudden and unexpected i keep going over that night in my head and think why did it happen we just had a baby girl in the march life is so cruel


Christine I feel so sad for you, losing someone when you should be at the happiest stage of your lives is truly heartbreaking my darling.

There are a lot of friends here in a similar position to you, they say that WAY, widowed and young is a good site to join for support. Big hugs to you and your baby girl xx


What a good description - the same storm in different boats.


Hi @JasmineJelly Heidi,

Sorry to hear you have joined the winding road of this grief. It can take us unawares at the slightest thing. I hope the counselling will help.
Hugs xxx


What a horrendous shock for you which must seem overwhelming. I can’t begin to imagine the pain of losing someone so young and when you looked to have a wonderful life together starting.

Makes me realise again how lucky I was to have nearly 29 of marriage to my darling husband, who also died suddenly.
Sending you heaps of love. xxx

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Thanks Karen :heart:

I havnt wrote on here for few weeks but been finding past few weeks difficult on valentines 14th feb it be exactly 6 months since my partner passed of all days to fall on do u think there is more after we have gone or is that it when we die notjing else i hope there is more for the chance to see him again :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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I certainly believe there is more. I feel sure we will be together again which calms me. I can be patient at times and I’ll have to be about this as there is so much more I need to do here for my daughters before I join my darling husband.

Keep believing. :heart:

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