Missing mum &Dad

It has been a while since i last posted I lost my dad suddenly and unexpectedly back in January 21 he was only 73 and I sadly lost my mum just 3 months ago mum was only 76, but it was expected. I’ve been doing well. Had a celebration of life for both parents on what would have been their 53rd wedding anniversary. That all went well and we scattered their ashes together. I knew that they were happy as a little red toy london bus turned up on the a plinth above the plaque, none of my family or friends has put it there, but the significance of this was that my son growing up called my parents nan & grandad bus, as they didn’t drive. So this is why i know that they were looking over us that day. So anyway it has been going well until this week when I’ve has a huge wobble, this is because my parents were both dotting grandparents, they were our cares for our son growing up and they helped in what he has done and achieved so far, anyway this week my got his result for the degree he did, which he got a fantastic mark, he texted me on the evening that he got it as he was so happy what he got, as soon as i got the news, I straight away rung my aunt to tell her and she asked did I cry which I said no as I rung her as soon as I got the news. I was all ok that evening but today hasn’t been great, got upset at work, this due to actually the first people I would have normally rung would have been my parents but I can’t even though I know they are both looking down bursting with pride and i can hear what both parents would say to me and sam, it has brought them both to the front of my mind as I can’t talk to then or hug them to day thanks for all your support over the years. I’m really missing them so it has made me upset even thought both my hubby and I are so happy and bursting with pride on what out son has achieved so far. I know that I will deal with this, but it is hurting. Sorry to go on a bit. Writing this has started me again. Thanks for listening. Xxx


Hi maria49

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

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Hi, this is the rollercoaster of grief isn’t it? We grieve for all that our loved ones miss out on, all the happiness and celebrations of life that they are absent for… I felt the same when my son was all dressed up for his prom. Usually the first person I would send pictures to would be my Mum, who I lost in January. So even a happy event is tinged with sadness because I knew how proud she was of her grandson and I really felt her absence. I feel like this will happen forever now but I guess overtime it may be less painful. Best wishes xx