Missing mum worse than last year

Lost mum august 22,and this year im worse than ever,most days im zoned out just going with the daily stuff,but inside im dead,its like life has changed colour if that makes sense

So sorry you feel that way @Blitzen I know exactly how you feel. My mum was always so jolly and full of life and colour and joy and smiles, so the world feels so dark and lonely and bleak without her. It’s like I was wearing rose tinted glasses, everything was safe and light, but now they’ve been taken off and all I can see is a dark and lonely place. I miss my mum so much. This will be my first Christmas with her. Still in shock she’s not here, and she passed in September. I would do anything to have her back :broken_heart: Take care, you’re not alone and I understand x


Thank you so much for your words,i so wish you strengh over christmas and new year

@Woo4 lost mine December 22 first anniversary is coming up on 29th and it’s just rubbish! Miss the small things like picking up the phone and popping in whenever and yes would give anything to be able to do it again. We just need to do what we can to get through this time of the year :two_hearts:

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I know exactly what you mean I lost my beautiful mam last October and this is so much harder ,maybe because i had so much to deal with and sort out and this year i have nothing just grief and pain and hurt so i get exactly how you feel xx


Its a very lonely place to be even with people around you,its a pain that freezes you in time while the world gos on around you,your lost in memorys and the absence is deafening


Exactly how i and I’m sure a lot of us on here are feeling ,get new year out of the way and try to find the me that disappeared when i lost mam xx