Missing mum

Missing mum so much

Sending you a big hug.

Thankyou mum passed away 30 th March of covid she had copd and covid made her develop pneumonia then I caught covid so couldn’t visit mum till negetive by that time was too late never got to speak to mum ever again I just can’t cope

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@Smiggy. I’m so sorry for your loss. Not an easy time for you. I too lost my mum 9 days after the death of my husband 4 months ago. I was living overseas and having to deal with official paperwork with authorities so could not get back to the UK. My dear mum had been suffering with Alzheimer’s and didn’t know who I was but I so wished I could have been with her to say goodbye. All I have left is the happy memories before her illness. I feel your pain and hope that you are getting support from family/friends. This group has been a life line to me as we are all going through so much and it’s good to offload your feelings and get support from those who know what you are going through at this sad time. Take care.

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