Missing my Dad

Hello i lost my Dad in January 2022 after a very short battle with Cancer miss him so much we were so alike like 2 peas in a pod it hurts so much miss him so much people tell you the grief it gets easier but find it hard to believe


Hi, sorry for the pain of your loss. Grief is a very personal response and how it affects you will be unique. I wouldn’t say grief gets easier because it will always be there but in time you will find the pain more manageable. Acceptance of your loss and the absence of your Dad from your everyday life will be part of this. But there’s no timeline and for some people this might be a long time. Much of our response is to want to go back to the time before the loss, accepting that we can’t do this helps us to move forward. Keep going everyday because that’s all you can do, keep going forwards. It’s not easy so keep sharing how you feel somehow, this forum is helpful… Best wishes xx


Hi, it’s my first day here, I have just read your post and feel your pain, my father passed in February and I am finding every single day a struggle, but you have to keep fighting for everyone around you.