Missing my husband so bad

Hi everyone. its now being nearly 10 months since very suddenly losing my husband. he was a fit and healthy man.
fell and had a fatal head injury.
i don’t serm to be coping well at all its not getting any easier all i do is cry for him.
i miss him terribly :pensive: he was only 57
wen will this horrible pain go away
has anyone here been through a very sudden death of their partner that i can chat too ?


Hi @Mackay13

So sorry for the loss of your husband :two_hearts:

There are lots of people to chat to on here. Have a read and contribute to some threads.

Sending you love and hugs xx

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Hiya yes I can relate I lost my husband a week ago I am very much alone , my husband was 75 but went into hospital with what we thought was a chest infection, he had only been home a week and half after getting the all clear from sephis, but he died last sunday from heart failure , i really dont know what to do


Thank you for your kind words.
yes i have been on here for a few months now
i know every one is hurting and going through the same as i am but today has been a particularly really bad day i just miss him so much.
i was just looking for someone who has had a similar experience to mine.


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oh i am so sorry for your loss i really hope you are ok.
its the hardest thing in the world to come to terms with
when its so sudden and unexpected.
i know every one-one here is here for the same reason we are all grieving so bad and reaching out to one another for support.
im just finding it so hard like you will be when it was so sudden, no warning, no goodbye no illness its just breaking me :broken_heart:
sending you love and strength xx

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Hi There, I can relate to your experience. I lost my husband very suddenly without warning in January. He died of a brain haemorrhage, having been apparently a fit and healthy 64 year old until the very day he collapsed. Within 24 hours he was declared brain dead. Within 48 hours his heart and kidneys were donated to three people on the waiting list. I feel like in many ways I’m still in shock from the utterly unexpected changes in my life and the lives of our daughters and granddaughters, completely out of nowhere. Paul’s death has been a devastating experience. There was no chance to say goodbye, to talk, to hold his hand except after we knew he was already dead and couldn’t hear us. From the moment he collapsed, he never regained consciousness. My heart and stomach seem to do flips of panic when I think about it. It’s almost 5 months now but it often feels like yesterday. I miss chatting to him each day, having a cup of tea. Just the most ordinary things. Feeling his presence in the house. Watching TV together. Laughing at things. Watching him be amused by our toddler granddaughter. Feeling his gentle eyes looking at me. Talking about politics, books, or just what we’d have for dinner. Just everything. The sadness lives in me now. It’s hard to get through each day without crying at some point, or several times. The idea that he’s never coming back feels impossible, even though I know it’s true. So I understand how you feel, and wish you strength and love.

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Ty i just cant get it into my head that i will never see him again or like you say watch tv together chat about the weather etc . I feel like i just wanna wake up from this horrible nightmare and have my life back. I cant think straight o feel so wretched . I just wish i could go out and meet other ppl but i have been agrophobic for over 40 yrs now. I feel so scared i have never ever been alone before. Xxxx


I hope you can maybe join a support group and perhaps get some help with your agoraphobia. I find that just going out to the supermarket or having a coffee in a cafe makes me feel more in touch with other people. Perhaps you could start with some live Zoom calls with friends or social groups, then graduate very slowly on to setting foot outdoors. I wish you lots of luck.


Ty i will try to get some help, i just wish i had friends who could come and chat and maybe stay a night or two xxxx

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im really sorry for your tragic loss too, thank you for your kindness and your reply.
very similar circumstances to my own, my husband passed so very suddenly and tragically, he was getting ready fir wirk wen he fell and fractured his skull and broke his neck, i just can’t come to terms with it. we have been married 31 years it was our wedding anniversary last Wednesday, ive never felt so low and sad in my entire life :cry:
I do think that wen it is so sudden it is much worse, no time to say bye.
i feel like you the sadness of being able to laugh and chat with them, watch telly together have dinners together after work the list is endless what i miss.
our youngest grandson is only 20 months its breaks my heart that he wont see our grandchildren grow up, i just never want any of them to forget him.
i wish you well strength and love ,always here if you want to chat
sending you a big hug :people_hugging: x

Awww bless you i know all those feelings. Of course i would love to chat, as i ssid i am very much alone in this. Its 8 days today and in some ways ut seems lite an entirty ago. . Xxxx

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