Missing my husband so much

Hi I’m 34 and my beloved husband passed away 5 weeks and 1 day ago to sudden heart attack we are beyond devasted :frowning: :cry::broken_heart: we have 2 young children I don’t know what to do I miss him so so much it physically hurts :broken_heart::cry:


I’m so sorry to hear about your husband ,you and your children, must be devastated and heartbroken, what a shock for you, I do hope you have family and friends to support you all through this awful time, there is no easy way of getting through this, you need to take a day at a time, don’t think to far ahead, just try and cope with the here and now, I know that is easier said than done, accept all the help that is offered, everybody on this site has been through a bereavement, so know what you are going through, sending love and hugs Jude xx

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I am so sorry that you are part of this group that none of us want to be in. My husband died suddenly at the age of 50 three months ago and we still don’t know why. My children are older than yours but it’s horrendous having to deal with your own pain as well as trying to support them, isn’t it. First of all, take support from wherever and whoever you can. There’s counselling and talk to your GP. I also found the website refugeingrief.com useful as it’s written by someone who knows what it’s like. Sometimes you have to take it breath by breath- that’s all you can do. I try to get out in the fresh air with a friend for a walk whenever I can. As you have small children, you may find Winston’s Wish useful, they support children who have been through loss. Take care, sending hugs

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