Missing my husband

My husband died 29 th October 2021 2 days after my 43 wedding anniversary which he did not see as he was on a life support machine. Nothing could prepare me for the phone call that I took to say that he had suffered a massive cardiac arrest and had been moved to icu as this was not why he was in hosp. The next time I saw him was on our anniversary where the dr told me there was no brain activity and the following day they would do further tests but he was preparing me for the worst. 2 days later life support was switched off and my soul mate had gone he was 67. It is nearly a year and I’m still here remembering every last detail see his face on life support still hear the drs words and I cry. Iv now just been told that my sister has cancer so land I am so scared I will lose her As well I feel so scared and anxious all the time


Oh Barbara my story is the same as yours. It’s been 17 months and today I feel I’m at the very beginning. I kept looking at a photo of my H and the more I looked the harder it was to believe he has gone. X


Hi Nel thank you for replying as sad as it seems it’s good to know we are not alone in our feelings. I miss my H everyday we grew up together. Always there for one another but I feel guilty all the time as I wasn’t there the night he actually had the heart attack so I never got to say goodby. I know he never suffered, but he was always there when I was unwell. Because of covid I had to book slots at the icu ward as well as they could only let one person in at a time it meant my children could only see him the day they turned the machines off. I think that will stay with them forever. Now my sister is very I’ll and I fear I am going through the same emotions while still grieving for him. Life is so cruel. Thank you for reaching out to me x


I have read through these posts sometimes they help. My lovely husband died on 13th July 2022 a date that will be forever etched into my heart. He had an accident 5 weeks before and the hospital didn`t treat him for what was wrong with him. My sister in law the most toxic person in the world blames me for his death. My family and friends have been amazing but tonight the ticking of the clock was all I could hear. I have my own health problems that if he was here he would reassure me , he was a medic I just miss the one person who would listen to my worries. Some days I am fine and positive others I am a shivering wreck is this normal .


Hi Heather my husband died on 13th July 2022 aged 60 we had been together 40 years My world has been ripped apart,we did everything together and had so many plans for the future,I struggle every day to function,it still doesn’t seem real,I’m still living at my sons I can’t face living at home without him, all we can do is take one day at a time,sending hugs xxxx