Missing my husband

Struggling to cope since losing my husband 10 weeks ago. Cry every day, sometimes it makes me sick. Feel each day is pointless now., the silence and loneliness. Try to stay positive for my childrens sake as they tell me to get on with my life, but nothing seems important currently


I’m sorry for your loss. I wish I could offer some words of comfort but unfortunately I feel the same as you. Hope we find the strength somehow.

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I’m sorry to hear it’s so tough :pensive: xxx

How old are your children? I’ve read that they can’t/dont really get it…Xxx

Any loss is hard but when it’s your soulmate our lives will never be the same. Until we can hopefully be with them again :cry::broken_heart:

It’s 4 weeks for me tomorrow and I’m totally broken , lost, angry, scared ……

Sending lots of love xx


Lily3 I lost my husband 49 days ago and I know just how you feel. I’m lost and I am broken.
My heart goes out to you!
This group is amazing as we can share our broken hearts and losses and advise and help one another. We are all going through the same thing.
Stay strong, sending lots of love.
Steve xx


It’s 3 weeks today for me and I have no idea how to get through this. Every morning i wake with the worst anxiety. I just can’t fathom life without him


Im so sorry to hear about your husband. My husband passed away 8 weeks ago and I’m completely numb most of the time but am struggling with anxiety. I find the lack of emotion quite hard to deal with and from the outside everyone thinks I’m coping so well. I want to talk to people but I’m finding it hard to know what to say or I keep getting shut down as no one knows what to say.
I have a grown up daughter who I’m encouraging to try to carry on doing the things she wants to if she wants to. But I’m finding the times she’s not at home really difficult. No one understands how hard it is to be completely alone and how scary it is.
On the few occasions the emotions have surfaced I feel completely overwhelmed and lost and don’t know what the point is. Thank you for sharing, it helps to know someone else understands.


@Lily3 I know how you are feeling. I’m week 11 and cry more now than in the first few weeks. I think initially it’s just shock and numbness and when reality hits that’s when the crying starts. I just keep longing, as I think we all do, to have a time when there seems a point to anything again xx


Can definitely identify with this. Yes I think it does get worse (before it starts to get better) because like you say, there’s shock and numbness first xxx



We all understand .

I’m lucky with my friends but one of them has just sent this photo saying I know you miss him but think if all the memories, here’s one for you. Think she genuinely thought it would help but it’s just magnified my loss & heartbreak as I don’t want memories, I just want him :broken_heart::broken_heart: I’ve had to take myself to the bathroom and have a good cry :sleepy::sleepy:


It’s so hard as others only want to help but everything is so raw it’s hard. Some days I can look at photos and feel numb, I don’t have any emotion but other days I can’t cope with it.
I hope you’re ok xx

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Yes!!! Same.

Last night lay in bed I even did a small smile thinking of our memories, the next minute I was right back in the moment I found him then ended up tossing & turning all night & a wreck. :sleepy:

What a rollercoaster our journeys are :broken_heart::heart:

Hope you are ok too ( as we can be ) xx


@PollyjaneW ahh I’m sorry it upset you so much. I’m not surprised though, I think it’s the ‘but’ bit that’s just not what we want to hear too. It’s like ‘at least’…at least you experienced love, at least…

At least is not comforting at all …it’s the opposite

Sometimes I have spent so long looking at pics, other times I don’t want to at all


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I think this is one reason grief is tiring…the roller coaster of emotions xx

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Yes exactly the same :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xxx


@butterfly4 you are right there soooo exhausting but then you get to bed & wide awake club hits :sleeping::sleepy::broken_heart: xxx


Yes I think the silence and everything stopping just leads to all the thinking :disappointed:. Wishing you good sleep one nite soon xxx

You too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xxx

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@doughtyj I found that once I’d finalised my partner’s affairs it hit home that there was nothing left to do for her and that felt both sad and left an empty feeling inside. I know she would want me to move on with my life and in time I will, but for now some days it’s hard to look at even a photo or listen to music without welling up. There will be light at the end of the tunnel but the tunnel will be a different length for all of us I guess - we just need to come to that realisation that it’s ok to move forward whilst honouring the memory of those we’ve lost.


Oh yeh my sister said in the 1st week of my husband passing - his spirit is there ! Ha … i said - dont want his spirit i want him !!! People say stupid things you know !! Needless to say im not talking to my stupid sister ! Shes buggered off to spain and she can stay there for me !! Xx

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