Missing my Husband

Hi stevie my husband passed away on the 2nd August this year I know exactly how you feel I don’t know if it is going to get any easier I feel like I’m dragging myself through each day but just joining this is a step forward because everyone here is going through the exact same thing

It’s only been 3 weeks but every day seems worse than the day before. I feel guilt loneliness fearfulness helplessness. Just empty. Who do I share my day with. Who do I hug. Just lost

I’m the exact same the loneliness is terrible we did everything together our daughters are all grown up and have their own families now theye are dealing with their grief their own way my husband was only 50 it’s really hard I can’t say anything that is going to make it any easier for you I just know they wouldn’t want us to be like this but we do

My wife would be so upset if she knew how unhappy I am. But what can I do. As with you the kids are grown up and have to crack on with there own lives. I just feel I have to go on in this misery so that they don’t get upset if anything happens to me. But what about me I don’t want this. I’m sorry to be like this normaly I’m so upbeat but since she passed away I’m lost

My husband would be upset with me aswell he was so full of life he always said I was the strongest and I would be able cope better than him if he went first but the grief changes who you were and I pretend to be coping its been 15 weeks now for me and I still have not went back to work I just don’t know who I am anymore I don’t think the pain will ever go away take it day by day but you are right it’s very hard

I’m struggling with work also. I have to go back financially more than wanting too. Its strange but my wife was always saying she would go first I used to say don’t be so silly we are together till the end. But what end. I really don’t know. I know my wife would be so angry at me wallowing in self pity so maybe we should be more receptive to what they would want however hard it is

It’s not self pity a part of you is missing now and I guess we need to find ourselves again however hard that may sound but talking to people on here helps us because we are all going through the exact same emotions on here we are not alone there’s always someone who will talk to us

Your right it helps to know your not the only one going through this. It’s an awful change in our lives. And no self pity isn’t the right description. My emotions are so all over the place I really don’t k ow what to think. I just know I miss her so much

I miss my husband so much to just remember coming on here gives us someone to talk to and just for a bit you don’t feel lonely

I know it’s a journey we are all taking together. I always say goodnight to her and tell her I love her so much. I’m sure she hears me

I do that aswell and I think I always will

I’m convinced we haven’t seen them for the last time. I hope you sleep well. I start work at 3am and although I don’t want to go I am going to push my self out of the door needs must. I have the funeral on Tuesday so I’m going to need some more time off work. I have to put my brave face on

Take care and remember your not alone on here good night