Missing my husband

My husband died 6 weeks ago after a year of battling cancer. I’ve been looking after him for the last year and now I’m lost without him. I am trying to support my 2 children they are 7 and 10. I feel so broken hearted for the life we were meant to have now. I am 39 and so scared about what my life will be like now without him! I just can’t stop crying this week!


I am very sorry for your loss.
Although my husband was much older than your husband, I also looked after him for the last two years while he went through a few treatments, fiighting against a cancer. Having looked after him intimately, I do miss him so much and now I occationally gaze at where he always was and whatever care products we had, which are not disposed of yet, after 10 weeks.
I know some people say “your children need you” and “you should be strong and support your children”. It is very hard. All I wanted and still want is him, and I cry or sob day and night. Yet I am fully aware that my kids are grieving too. I am sure your children are missing their dad too. Talking to my children helps me a bit. A lot of hugs and talking. Hope your children help you in some way…


So sorry for your loss :broken_heart::sleepy:
Your children are so young and so are you. It must be so tough.
You probably feel you have to be strong for them.
I dont know what id do if my kids were that young.
My son is 22… still lives at home.
My daughter is 34. Got her own house.
We are all grieving. They worked from home and helped me lift Nick. Especially towards the end as he couldn’t do anything :sleepy:

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I am so sorry you have joined this awful club. I’m a bit older than you at 52 but my youngest is 16 and still at home sitting exams at the moment. My husband also died of cancer after a short illness of a few months.
It is ok to be crying - it is such a shock and the thought of what the future holds is scary. Try look after your kids as best you can and take any help that is offered, but also make sure you are looking after yourself. Remember to eat and rest and just try focus on the here and now - hour by hour.
It’s 9 weeks for me now and I can work out a bit better now what helps and what adds to my distress. And now I just avoid the stressful things/ people as much as I can.
Try hold onto the hope that things will get easier with time - that’s all I can do at the moment.
Sending love and strength x

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