I lost my mom when I was 15, I’m a female she died of diabetic ketoacidosis ( poisoning ) due to been an alcoholic she withdrew to fast and her body went into shock/ crisis. She died at home in my livingroom. I’m at the point in my life where I am wanting to start a family, I miss her for the fact I wish I could ask her what was normal or did she get this or that at my age, I miss the girly nights we could of had together watching a movie chatting, going out, Admittedly she wasn’t really a girly girl so I’m not even sure if that would have been her thing! But we have/ had similar interests we both love(d) reading and drawing and colouring I feel like they’d have been something we could have done together and we would have been close but I’ll never know and that hurts. I didn’t really understand much at 15 compared to now and it’s hitting me quickly.
Has anyone else felt like this? From losing a parent whether you’re a male or female?. I’m imagining if she could let me know she’d say I miss you to and would want to be there any way she could.
Hello @Crossstitchlover ,
I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m just giving your thread a gentle, “bump” for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.
Take good care,