Missing my mum so much

Hi everyone i lost my mom just over 2 weeks ago to cancer.I don’t know how I’m meant to feel, I cried on the day she passed away at the hospital, but since then I feel guilty for getting on with my day to day routines. I’ve always been good at coping with stress compared to everyone else, but I can’t understand why I’m not a blubbering mess when I loved my mom dearly.Maybe it’s my brains way of keeping me sane. I also found out on the day she passed away that my partner of 24 years has a brain tumour maybe I’m in shock with it all and it will all hit me after my moms Funeral in a few weeks time


So very sorry for your loss. I lost my mum just over 5 weeks ago, I was super strong organising the funeral and getting everything sorted. I had quiet moments of tears and distress. I can honestly say 2/3 days after the funeral it hit me like a ton of bricks. Loss and despair like I’ve never experienced before. I allow myself to just have the bad days and literally take it a day at a time. It’s not easy especially when we’ve had a close relationship with our mums. It’s important that we are kind to ourselves in this process x


Hi yes I can really relate to your post,I lost my Mum five weeks ago today it is so overwhelming and painful an undescribable pain of loss that goes through to your heart.
I thought after the funeral that I would feel more peace,like you it was like a ton of bricks, struggling to get out of bed and the tears constantly flowing.
Yes allowing bad days is such good advice and taking every day as it comes.
What I have realised is that you can’t rush grief .
Sending lots of strength to you x❤️


Hi I am so,so sorry to hear about your Mum,how are you feeling today? :heart:I am glad you posted so you know there are people on here who understand.
Everyone’s grief is different and that’s ok! However you grieve we all loved our Mum’s with all of our hearts and it hurts so much,even though we still cannot believe
Numbness is a natural protection when up against loss or trauma,you have had two big shocks and trying to keep busy may be your way of trying to deal with what has happened.
As the other poster wrote taking one day at a time is all we can do and be kind to yourself.:heart:


@Shellybums and @OldOak47 thanks for your reply. I am sorry for both of your losses. I feel ok at the moment I’m just taking a day at a time, and I think it probably hasn’t hit me yet as I have so much to think about at the moment that I don’t allow myself time to sit in my own thoughts to much. I did sit and have a little cry last night as I was trying to pick a song for my mom’s funeral as myself and my 2 brothers are having a song each. As the days are getting nearer to the 12th of September for the funeral i’m dreading it. Things have also been made worse by the fact that my Step- dad my mom’s husband for over 35 years has decided he’s not paying for the funeral and we have to pay even though he has the money, he also hasn’t taken much of an interest in arranging things for the funeral to so we have the added pressure on top of everything else. I’m just so angry about that as well my mom devoted her life to him and he can’t even try to give her the send off she deserves, but at least we will try.


It’s difficult when people you expect to help just don’t. I was angry at some people like my mum’s siblings who couldn’t even buy simple flowers for mum, then family members were telling us what we should and should not do but weren’t contributing at all in any way.

My two brothers and I organised and paid for it all between us and looking back I’m glad we did. We also did a eulogy/speech with just the three of us and chose the music, although people were critical of our choice, it got to a point where I didn’t care !

You give your mum the best possible send off you can, try not to worry about anyone else. This is your special tribute for your beautiful mum xxx sending you my bestest wishes and hugs x


Thank you for your kind words yes I will give her the best send off I can x


I am so sorry this is happening to you,with love and support you will get through the day, your precious Mum would be so proud of you giving her the day she deserves !
Myself and others understand the feelings of the build up to the funeral,one day at a time is all you can do. Sending a big hug to you x

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It sounds like you gave your beautiful Mum such a wonderful funeral and the courage you and your brother’s had to stand and speak which must have been so hard for you.Somehow we get through the day,it is so hard I miss my precious Mum so much x


Im sorry for your loss my lovely mum passed 3 week ago very suddenly while she was away with dad we never got to say goodbye or tell her how much we love her guilt is eating me up i miss her so so much i went to the chappel of rest and put a letter in her hand but im so heartbroken and cry all the time it dont seem real it hurts so much


Hi I know how hard this is for you, sending you and your Dad healing and lots of strength. :heart:
The grief is powerful ,overwhelming and it is so so painful ! It is the price we pay for love!
Your precious Mum is now at peace and the way you are feeling shows just how much love you have for her and that will never go!
I am still struggling every single day, my beautiful Mum passed at the end of July I miss her so ,so much my heart hurts and the tears still flow!
We can only take it one day at a time ,lots of love to you X

Thankyou lots of love to you too xx