Missing my mum

Its been over 3 months now since I very suddenly lost my mum in Oct 2021 and I am very much still struggling to with the loss, guilt, loneliness. The fact that i won’t see her again but the daily contact, she would whatsapp me and my sister everyday with something or other, I would see her weekly on Monday’s which is my day off and now those Monday’s are lonely.

She only lived round the corner from me so we saw each other alot and now i feel a huge hole in my life. I find sometimes when i think of her its like my heart skips a beat or aches, sounds weird right!

I still also have to empty her house and deal with her belongings which i dread, i know there is no rush but her house has just stayed the same, untouched now for over 3 months…i hate going there but also know i need to deal with it.


Hello Lucy.

Heartfelt condolences on your loss Lucy.

I don’t have any wise words as I lost Mum in December just gone and am finding things particularly hard right now. I couldn’t just read your post though and not acknowledge, and so I just wanted to extend compassionate thoughts and kind wishes to you.

I understand you feeling apprehensive about your Mum’s home, but if there are no time constraints just do things at your own time and at your own pace.

Sending Kindness

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Hi I lost my dad in sept 2020 and my mom in July 2021 I don’t think I’ll ever get of losing them both in such a short time but when I eventually got round to clearing my moms house it was very upsetting but also a little comforting as I found lots of stuff that brought back memories when I was little , she was my best friend and the only person in my life that I could trust 100% , I miss her so much , she used to video call me almost everyday as I live in 100 miles away , and we’d chat for ages , I would give anything to have her call me now don’t think I’ve ever been so sad in my life

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