Missing my sister

Been two months since my sister passed away and we are waiting for the inquest to tell us how she died it as been like forever waiting with no out come . I still miss her so much like a part of me is missing but I am taking one day at a time . Family means so much to me I am now the last of the elders in my family so the daughters and nephews want me to be the glue to hold the family together

Dear @Sue51

I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Unfortunately inquests can take weeks or months depending on what has happened.

There is a useful Inquest for families factsheet which you may be of help to you. It is under Information and Support.

Continue to take one day at a time and for further support Sue Ryder have recently launched a Grief Self-Help Service which has useful information and tools which may be of help to you.

Please continue to reach out and take care.
