Missing the most important and loved man of my life

Hi, it’s been 13 weeks since my husband of 44 years passed away, he’s in my thoughts every second of every day. I’m struggling to get through the days not wanting to do the day to day
We didn’t need anyone we had each other did everything together, no friends to speak of we had each other


@JDB hi I am so very sorry for your loss I lost my partner pauline in April its so hard without them we had no friends to speak of either it was just us and we do feel so lost without them I take one day at a time that’s all I can do right now everyday is a struggle but we keep on going because they would want us to have you spoken to your doctor for some help or grief counselling sue ryder do grief counselling or you could try cruse also keep posting on here everyone here understands loss and you will find support here I still talk to pauline all the time she was and is the love of my life and always will be stay safe and take care my thoughts are with you

Hi there it’s the hardest thing being left behind and trying to go on by yourself it’s the pain of loss and loneliness that’s the worst it hits you at all sorts of time and sleep doesn’t always happen. Keep on here because we all need each other and understand just were your at right now sending you hugs from one that is having a bad night xx

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@Cj13 hi I am so very sorry for your loss it is so hard trying to exist without our soulmates because that’s what we are doing now not living just existing its so lonely without them I am sorry you are having a bad night I imagine its one of many and yeah sleep doesn’t always come hence me still being awake and you are right we do all need eachother who better to give us support than someone who is experiencing the same and can relate and understand how lost we are feeling and our heartbreak I hope you get some rest stay safe take care my thoughts are with you sending you hugs

I can relay. I lost my wife 3 months ago. We were made for each other; we were always together and talked about everything. I didn’t feel like having other friends for the past 25 years. I’ve never imagined I’d have to go on alone at 49. I don’t know how to proceed . How I missed my old life when joy and happiness are the norm rather than exception. Now I am filled with bitterness and I fear for the future.
sending hugs,

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I am so sorry for your loss…I lost my wonderful man 18 weeks ago today and some days I feel as if I am back at day 1. The shock probably still hasn’t worn off as he died only 2 weeks after diagnosis of cancer, so we had no time to get our heads around it. One day at a time is all we can do, and today, not being such a good day it has been 1 hour at a time.

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KayT1: yes as reality sinks in this loneliness and emptiness is tormenting. It is not improving. Adapting to this cruel new normal is very very painful. When it’s too hard to bear I can just focus on the moment and let time pass. It’s Saturday today and it’s gonna to be hard.
sending hugs…

So heart breaking, almost the same time I lost my beloved husband too to covid-19. Just like you, we had each others back always, doing everything together without interference. I feel empty everyday. What elevates me are by 2 boys aged 3 and 4years. They are so energetic like their father, they keep me so busy that I sometimes don’t even have time to grief as I should, but at night and when they are off to school is when I fall back to my self and just imagine how and why this have to happen. Its still like a dream I need to wake up from.
I pray every one going through this see God’s faithfully, strenght and peace in this shadow of grief.
We shall all find purpose in pain and grace in grief…Amen PEACE…

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I understand you brother, I too fear for the future at some point, but after reading others stories on how to overcome fear, it gave me a bit of hope. Try reading this article book:
Seeing God’s Faithfulness in the Shadow of Grief…Book by Jonathan Pitts.
Pray we all find Hope in our Hopelessness, Peace & Purpose in our Pains; and Grace & Glory in our Griefs…

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I know exactly how you feel I lost my partner 13 weeks ago he was my world the love of my life my everything I still have to try and get up every day I have only a couple of friends but they disappeared weeks ago . We didn’t need anyone else we had each other did everything together it’s more than devastating there are no words for any of it .


Hi, I’m also sorry for your loss
I know what your mean, I hate leaving the house because I then have to return to an empty space, so quiet, I’d rather not go out then I don’t have to return, I’m surrounded by things that my husband had collected and cherished
14 weeks today, I don’t feel any progress my motivation is at an all time low second by second hour by hour I guess that’s all we can do
Take care of yourself your not alone we all need each other at a time like this, kind words and other people’s thoughts do help

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Hi I know how you feel, I don’t get out of bed
What’s the point?