Missing you

This is so hard…I miss you so much dad. You shouldn’t of left us yet… we wasn’t ready. I hadn’t seen.my dad since July he was in a care home. I’m so angry i haven’t seen you. How do we even know you have passed away? I can’t get my head round all this.

Dear Devastated,

The name you choose for your profile says it all. I can so understand that you are feeling devastated.

I cannot begin to imagine what it is like to not be able to see someone you love and then finally to hear that they have passed away. Did the care home not offer face time when he was alive, or ‘window’ visits? Have you not been allowed to see his body after he died?

I don’t think we are ever ready to loose our parents and if they had a choice they would not want to go. It says in your profile that you lost your mum in 2016. I know from experience how hard it is to go through losing both parents. Do you have any family members you are close to who can support you?

It is good that you have come to this site, I hope you will find the posts and replies helpful. Please feel free to post as often as you want.


Hi jo. Not they didn’t offer face time. It was very hard to have any communication with him. The home hardly answered the phone… I’d not seen him for 6 months before he died. Ive also got the stress at the moment with my dads property missing…including a watch which he had on him when he passed away. But wasn’t on him when the undertakers came for him…I feel like I’m living a nightmare :confused:

So sorry to hear that the care home has not been helpful at all and about the added stress of your dads missing property. I hope that someone at the home has put it in a safe place and that it will be found. They owe you a big apology. You must feel.so angry and sad. I am thinking of you. Jo

Thankyou jo. Hope you’re ok. Take care :slightly_smiling_face: :heart: