
Mom passed away in November after a heavy fall and passed away in the in the QE she would have been 100years old
on the 28/3/2021 we had already started to organise her big Birthday she was fit for her age and went shopping with help etc we supported her with whatever she needed to do or want now apart from missing her every minute of every day it is all the time we have to fill we never knew how much time and love we shared with her and it is so difficult to try and fill all those hours and miss all the advice which sometimes used to laugh about but we will never hear that advice again and Mom we now realise was so “worldly Wise”
love you forever Mom Brian & Chris and a big woof to heaven from Ellie your Border Collie who is still looking for youXXX

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Dear @moggybrian

Welcome to the Community. I am so sorry for your loss.

The loss of a parent leaves a big hole in our lives but you will always carry them in your heart wherever you go.

On the website here you will find useful bereavement information and support pages which will be of help to you.

Under the topic Losing a parent you can connect with members who have also lost a parent and experienced what you are going through. I hope you will find this of support to you.

Please continue to reach out and take care.
