Momentous day

This is truly a momentous day. I am cooking something. I have fried a couple of steaks so far but in 6 months rest have been ready meals. I have made a basic meat sauce that can be used with pasta rice. Hopefully I won’t burn it.
This will then be frozen for guests I have coming later in December. Also received a £30 Christmas present from the masons.
This must be a good day as I have already washed a load of towels and put them in rather air dryer and emptied the dishwasher. This is the most I have achieved in any one day since Norman died 6 months ago.


There might be hope for me yet then. I’m having the shopping delivered and it’s all ready meals. I never was a good cook anyway and I was treated to meals lovingly and beautifully prepared. I was the sous chef and pot washer.Maybe in time to come I’ll astound myself ( more likely my husband) by taking it up again. In the meantime I’m working my way through the Tesco and Asda offerings.
Glad you’re having a better day

If this works there is hope for anyone. Again I was spoilt with prepared meals. Only problem I find with ready meals is too much salt

I agree. And they sometimes sound and look a lot better than they are, but for now any port in a storm.I’ve always been slim built but I’ve lost an awful lot of weight, so it’s time to do something about it. Very hard though when your appetite has gone. For some bizarre reason I haven’t eaten any chocolate or sweet things since it happened.Very odd.

Hello, yes a Great day, it gives us a boost doesn’t it! Today I had my car insurance & household insurance renewal gone up £300! I rang them & they could reduce by £100, I looked elsewhere on comparison sites which was a nightmare for me anyway, I got 2 quoted which would mean a £50 increase from last year, I couldn’t decide what to do, part if methought stay where I am ! But I thought No loyalty means nothing now so iv3 gone with the new quotes, I hope ive done the right thing, it’s so hard when your husband isn’t here to discuss it with & the decision is ours alone :worried:

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@Mist2 i am the other way. Classed as morbidly obese so the 2 stone I have lost is good. Most of the M&S ready meals are very tasty. I am eating sweets, biscuits, ice cream, chocolate so don’t really understand why losing weight. It does seem to have normalised just yo yoing up and down 2lb at moment.
I think from traffic reports crewkerne is pretty much cut off by floods including the wonderfully named river wriggle.

I am dreading renewing my house insurance. May use my neighbours broker. All insurance is supposed to be increasing by huge amounts though

Well it’s edible and not burnt. I will class that a success.

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Turns out my SIL doesn’t trust my cooking. Can’t say I blame her. When she comes she wants me to get chicken or steak out of the freezer for a stir fry. Ok I will just freeze it in smaller portions.

I changed mine as had a 100 hike . It’s very daunting doing things you did together . Everything is a big deal now . I am frightened that I am missing doing something but I hope not . I so miss him so

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How can a successful day end so bad. I have a custom rise and recline chair, tonight it got stuck in the recline position with me in it. I live alone. I contacted my neighbour who came over but he couldn’t get it working. Somehow with extreme difficulty I got out of this chair but it is totally knackered. I paid £4000 for this chair in February. I got it as I have problems getting out of chairs and need to keep my legs raised. I now have no comfortable chair to sit in and probably quite a fight to get a new chair or my money back. I was only widowed in June.
I am sitting here at 4a.m not having slept crying. Earlier on I literally lay in bed and screamed. The thought of having to deal with this alone has brought the grief back full blast.


@Pudding so sorry to hear about your chair. I hope you’ve already contacted them this morning. Fingers crossed they are helpful.

It’s always one step forward two steps back

Sending love

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I’m so sorry that you’re going through this misery. I can only imagine how vulnerable and frustrated you must feel. Bad enough that the chair has failed you but everything is magnified when we’re alone. I hope the company has some decency and resolves it for you quickly, and please know that I’m thinking of you and hoping that you find the strength to rally from this setback.

The shop seem to think it is the handset. That would be the third since February. They are supposed to be getting one express so tomorrow, thing is I have been waiting weeks for one. I am not so sure. Currently using my husbands riser recliner which we had only for a couple of months before he died but this one is custom made for him so I don’t find it that comfortable. Very tired and very miserable.

I hope it duly arrives tomorrow. Life is difficult enough after bereavement without all the additional problems that compound it and it’s a long enough day at the best of times without being really uncomfortable.I would like to think they will act promptly to sort this out for you.

Hoping the chair is sorted out and that you’re more comfortable.

The handset turned up. Connected it. Nothing. Then looked at mechanism. When installed a clip had been left in holding four wires together. The mechanism when working put pressure in which caused a problem with the connection. Now works but the old handsets don’t work so they were faulty. Not using it until I have 2 handsets as they are like gold dust. Got used to Norman’s chair and having lost weight am now within operating weight so will continue to use that for now.
Thanks for thinking of me.

Glad you’re managing with Norman’s in the meantime. Life is definitely sent to try us, isn’t it? Take care

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Hope you’re ok @Pudding ? Not heard from you for a while xxx

Yes I am ok thanks. Just taking a break from the site. Counselling starts January.