
Hi all I have been looking at posts since last December but this is my first post. I just read one about being kind to each other- so true. My husband died nearly a year ago, next Saturday 9th May. We had only been married 5 years. It was totally out of the blue. I can only describe what I have been through over the last year as akin to PTSD. The shock was totally debilitating for a long while. I placed an ad in the local paper in the In Memoriam section yesterday and reading it out loud just set me off again. My heart breaks for the life experiences I will never share with him ever again. My close friends told me they didn’t think I had coped very well but I am still here. Their was a time when I didn’t think I would be. I cant give you any platitudes about Time Heals because it’s not healing its acceptance of the situation that has moved me on. Anyway. Just wanted to say thank you to all who post as even though I wasn’t able to engage you have helped me quietly. Take care and as my old mum used to say ,‘treat others as you would wish to be treated and you won’t go far wrong’.

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Hello Mon,
I am so sorry that your husband died after so short a time together, collectively the members here believe that we are suffering from PTSD. My husband died after 59 years of marriage, I found him dead on our bedroom floor last August (2019).
It must have broken your heart to lose him so soon after your marriage, I know how I feel after all those years together and I feel greedy.
I am glad that you have posted here and you are very welcome, this is a place where not one of us wants to be. It is a good place with lots of support despite the lock down getting to us, not seeing our families is awful but it is the only way to have halted this evil virus which is in our midst,
Please take good care of yourself and stay safe,
MaryL x

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Dear Mon,
Thank you for your post. I am glad to hear that reading the posts on here since December has helped you. It must have been a very difficult year for you. To lose your partner so suddenly after only 5 years must have been so painful. What a lovely though to place an ad for him in the In Memoriam section of your local paper, I can totally understand that reading it today made you cry. My sisters and I usually post something on our WhatsApp and Facebook pages on the anniversaries of our parents deaths and other important days and it brings up lots of emotions, but I think that is a good thing and not something to be avoid. The love we have for the people we lost will always remain in our hearts and thinking about them brings a mixture of happy memories and sad feelings. I hope that next Saturday you will be able to get the support from family and friends, even if it has to be from a distance.
Take care.
PS: your mum must have been a wise woman. (I have those same words as a motto on my Facebook profile, and if everyone stuck to this, what a better place the world would be.)

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