money grabbing family members

I am so disgusted by my own siblings their behaviour is unforgivable. I have decided to go no contact One of them is doing very nicely selling my mum and dads possessions she has been very nasty to me. I have blocked her I will not tolerate abuse I have no idea what has happened to my mum’s jewellery they are vultures. I believe in karma what comes around goes around and one day it will come back to them. You can’t choose your family well they are no longer mine. Kate88

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That happens every time I’ve had it done to me by my step son when his mum died I basically lost the plot tried to end my life twice but while I was in hospital he took everything of my wife’s jewellery including some of my late mother’s and mine I’ve asked several times for some things back but not holding my breath he only speaks when he wants something else or when he’s got to

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Thank you for your comment Steve.h On the day of my mum’s funeral.The One I hate kept asking me whats the password for mum’s laptop my mum would not have wanted her to have it.And as you said only talks to you when they want something correct Kate88.

Hi Steve sorry but what your stepson did is that not theft? That all sounds awful for you to be dealing with.

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Yes I’ve been told that but he new it was going to go to our granddaughter at some point but I’ve now got nothing only a wedding ring round my neck :frowning: