Mood crash after doing something nice

I’m over 50 but always rang mum after a night out to say i was home, now i can’t. She would’ve loved that i’ve been busy doing nice things - country shows, gigs etc but my mood crashes for a few days after. Not sure why - maybe cos I’d share with her and now i can’t.


I’m sure you are so used to her being there that it has become second nature to get in touch - but now you can’t, and that will take time to adjust to and process. There will be lots of emotions around so be kind to yourself and allow yourself the time you need to grieve.
Keep posting here if it helps - there’s always support and a listening ear to help when needed. X

Thank you. The day afler she died i went to the rugby, she would have wanted me to go. Felt odd not calling her to say i was home. She would b thrilled iv

I know it may sound silly but when you get home tell your mum you are home, it might help, just say it out loud, she is with you all the time.


I totally get it - i always used to come back after an event/day out and tell Mum all about it, show her photos etc and theres no one who’s even interested! Sending hugs :people_hugging:

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I’ve been feeling the pain of “there’s no one who’s interested” too. It would have been my Mothers 101st birthday last week. She nearly made it to 100. But my sister died in January so there’s no one else left to even remember the date. And my lovely husband who would always listen, would want to know what I’d been up to, would have understood why a birthday date even of an old lady still mattered died just three days before my sister. I miss her support in coping with the grief of the loss of my husband and his support in coping with the loss of my mum and sister. Sometimes I just feel so alone.


Oh Annie it is still early days but you have had a lot of losses, I think the loneliness is awful more than awful, I have never felt loneliness before, people say that when your partner has died you will feel lonely even if the room was full of people. All I can say is take one day at a time, what else can we do. Keep chatting on here as it helps a lot.
Sending you love and strength.

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Oh Annie that’s really hard. I can’t offer advise but hope each day is better but know that’s not how it works. Some days are good others bad and there’s no telling which the day will be. Take care and big hugs.

So sorry for your losses xx