More loss

I first used this page as I lost my husband in 2020, he was 54. I found lots of like minded people and it helped me so much.
As I progressed I visited less frequently but I am now back. My Dad, who had been such support during my loss died just before Christmas. He had a massive stroke so and spent a week in hospital slowly deteriorating, I was lucky they provided a camp bed and he was in a side room.
Since getting back to normal I have felt really lost, I have some very vivid dreams about my husband, Dad and my Mum, who had dementia and died in 2016. It has just been loss after loss it’s a wonder I function but I suppose it’s what they would want. Had a massive cry this morning. Love to all who are on this page :heart:


@MrsP1 sorry for your losses. I can empathise as in the past decade I have lost my husband, Dad, a good friend and a year ago my Mum. Each loss seems to accentuate the grief and remind you of the previous experiences. It’s a very difficult and emotional time. I just keep on remembering that I have survived through all of the grief and sadness. Sending you condolences, I hope you manage to find some comfort in your treasured memories…xx