Morning have just signed up to this community

Where do I begin …

My beautiful mother died in my arms at home suddenly and traumatically on 7th December last a week off her 83rd birthday … we were twin souls …

Hi Annie, so sorry to hear that your mother has died. There are lots of us here grieving for our parents and loved ones, so you should find a lot of support here.

Anniedog, I’m sorry you lost your Mum. My Mum died suddenly nearly 10 months ago. It feels like I’ve lost a half of me. I know how rough and raw it can feel.
Take care.

Hi. Anniedog. Welcome to the site. It takes courage to come on here and talk to strangers about such a loss. But you will find many here who have been through or are going through what you are experiencing at the moment. The pain can be great. Have you support from friends or relatives? Have a look under
‘losing a parent’, you may find some help there.
Take care and do not hesitate to come back and talk.
Blessings. John.

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