Mother’s Day

I should imagine lots of people in here will find Mother’s Day hard to celebrate well I don’t celebrate it all. There is no point my num has left me. I go cemetery with my dad with flowers but with my mum not being here I just feel so empty
Mother’s Day is horrible

Hi Steve, i lost my mum 4 weeks ago. I am still trying to process her death. On Mothers Day each year id take my mum and step mum out with my husband. Heartbroken i wont have another mothersday with her. I’ll visit her grave too. I’m dreading mothers day


Hi mcd1980
If I had my way I’d permanently ban Mother’s Day.

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I hear you, I’m dreading mother’s Day, twofold, not only because my mom passed 3 years this April, but also my baby died during pregnancy some years ago, so for me it’s heartache all round :broken_heart::sob:, & then having to put up with all the smiley people happily spending mother’s Day with their mom’s, taking them cards & flowers, yet something else I’ll never get with my baby. It’s got me wishing I could just slip into a coma & wake up when it’s all over. I’m normally such a positive person, but feel it’s impossible to feel positive when everything sux so much. Sending hugs of support.

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Hi panda princess
Oh my god I am so truly sorry you have been through all that.
I didn’t just lose my mum I lost my Nan and my partners mum she went few months after my mum. I loved her as she was like a mum to me. If it wasn’t for my partners mum I wouldn’t got through the months after my mum went. Since then life just isn’t the same no more.
I agree with you that you see other people celebrating Mother’s Day. Lucky them they have their mums. It’s alright for them. They won’t have to experience the torture of losing a mum just yet but it will come. God it makes me so angry they get to celebrate Mother’s Day and I don’t. Never again. I can’t get my head around I’ll never be able to walk into my mums home with everything to show special she is it’s not right.
To say I detest Mother’s Day is an understatement

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Pandaprincess im so truly sorry to read this. I cant imagine how difficult it is to lose a baby but i can imagine how heartbroken you must be feeling. Hugs x